Monday, April 30, 2007


Los recolectores de tomates de Immokalee ganan una campaña contra McDonalds y ponen su mira en Burger King

Hablamos con Gerardo Reyes-Chávez, un trabajador agrícola que pertenece a la Coalición de Trabajadores de Immokalee (Coalition of Immokalee Workers). La coalición representa a más de 4.000 trabajadores, en su mayoría inmigrantes, que trabajan en los campos del suroeste de Florida. El grupo llevó a cabo recientemente una exitosa campaña contra el gigante de la comida rápida McDonalds por el precio de los tomates recogidos en Florida. En 2005, la coalición ganó también una campaña contra Taco Bell.

Tuesday, April 24th, 2007
Small Publications Face Crippling Postal Hike -- Based on Time Warner Recommendation

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Nation magazine publisher Katrina vanden Heuvel speaks out on a new US Post Office rate change that could affect many small and independent publications in this country. Postal rates for smaller periodicals could increase by as much as 30 percent while some of the largest circulation magazines will face hikes of less than 10 percent. According to internal documents, the hike was accepted based on a “a rate structure proposed by Time Warner, Inc.” [includes rush transcript]
The new postage rates that are being implemented by the US Post Office which could affect many small and independent publications in this country. Postal rates for smaller periodicals could increase by as much as 30 percent while some of the largest circulation magazines will face hikes of less than 10 percent.
The advocacy group Free Press says the rate change was developed with no public involvement or Congressional oversight. They are calling for a congressional hearing on the changes. The Postal Service Board of Governors recently accepted the periodical rate recommendations of the Postal Regulatory Commission. According to a document outlining the Board’s decision, the Commission recommended “a rate structure proposed by Time Warner, Inc.”

The Nation magazine is part of a broad coalition that has sent a letter to the Postal Board of Governors opposing the new postage rate plan.

Katrina vanden Heuvel. Editor and publisher of the The Nation magazine.
More info at

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