Tuesday, May 01, 2007


La Brigada Abraham Lincoln: los estadounidenses - mujeres y hombres - que lucharon en la Guerra Civil española

En Julio de 1936, oficiales militares derechistas liderados por el fascista General Franco intentaron derrocar al recientemente elegido gobierno democrático de España. Hitler y Mussolini no tardaron en unirse para apoyar a Franco. Como respuesta, casi 3.000 estadounidenses desafiaron a su gobierno ofreciéndose voluntarios para luchar en la Guerra Civil española. Se hacían llamar la Brigada Abraham Lincoln. Hablamos con dos veteranos que sobrevivieron al conflicto, Moe Fishman y Clarence Kailin. También emitimos fragmentos del documental “Hacia el Fuego; mujeres estadounidenses en la Guerra Civil española” (Into the Fire: American Women in the Spanish Civil War) y hablamos con la cineasta Julia Newman.

Monday, April 30th, 2007
Fighting Fascism: The Americans - Women and Men - Who Fought In the Spanish Civil War

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In July 1936, rightwing military officers led by fascist General Franco attempted to overthrow the newly elected democratic government of Spain. Hitler and Mussolini quickly joined in support of Franco. In response, nearly 3,000 Americans defied the US government to volunteer to fight in the Spanish Civil War, they called themselves Abraham Lincoln Brigade. We speak with two surviving veterans, Moe Fishman and Clarence Kailin. We also play excepts form the documentary "Into the Fire: American Women in the Spanish Civil War" and speak with filmmaker Julia Newman. [includes rush transcript]
"No man ever entered the earth more honorably than those who died in Spain." Those are the words of Ernest Hemingway. He was referring to the Americans who volunteered for the Spanish Civil War, the first major battle against fascism.
In July 1936, rightwing military officers led by General Franco attempted to overthrow the newly elected democratic government of Spain. Hitler and Mussolini quickly joined in support of Franco. The Spanish Civil War lasted until 1939. Half a million people are believed to have died on all sides.

Yesterday in New York, hundreds gathered to honor an exhibit at the museum of the City of New York called "Facing Fascism." Among those there was Julia Newman who made the film, "Into the Fire: American Women in the Spanish Civil War. The film begins with Martha Gellhorn, a world-renowned war correspondent. She was the third wife of Ernest Hemingway.

"Into the Fire: American Women in the Spanish Civil War" - excerpt of documentary. Courtesy, First Run Features.

Ruth Davidow - one of the nearly 80 American women who fought in the Spanish Civil War. They joined over 2,700 of their countrymen in defiance of their government to volunteer for what was known as the "Good Fight." The Americans who fought fascism in Spain called themselves the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.
Today, an hour on the Spanish Civil War and the Americans - women and men - who fought in it.

Julia Newman, producer and director of "Into the Fire: American Women in the Spanish Civil War".
Clarence Kailin, one of the surviving veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.
Moe Fishman, one of the surviving veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. He is executive secretary of the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigades.

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