Friday, April 20, 2007


Masiva marcha a favor de los derechos de los inmigrantes planeada para el Primero de Mayo de 2007, cuando se cumple un año del día que fue récord de protestas
Faltan menos de dos semanas para el Primero de Mayo. El año pasado, más de un millón y medio de defensores de los derechos de inmigrantes salieron a las calles para lo que se consideró el mayor día de protestas en la historia de EE.UU. Analizamos el estado del movimiento por los derechos de los inmigrantes y los planes para el Primero de Mayo de 2007.

Thursday, April 19th, 2007
Mass Immigrant Rights Rally Planned for May Day 2007 One Year After Record Day of Protest

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May Day is less than two weeks away. Last year, more than a million and a half immigrant rights supporters turned out for what was considered the largest day of protest in U.S. history. We take a look at the state of the immigrant rights movement and the plans for May Day 2007. [includes rush transcript]
We're less than two weeks from May Day. On that date last year, more than a million and a half immigrant rights supporters turned out for what was considered the largest day of protest in U.S. history. Many had walked off the job in an action meant to highlight the impact of living without immigrants. Organizers are expecting an even greater turnout this year. Protests and walkouts are planned across the country for what is being called The Great American Boycott II.
The immigrant rights movement is facing several challenges. President Bush recently vowed to renew his effort to pass immigration reform, while immigrant workers have been subjected to a growing wave of raids and deportations.

Javier Rodriguez, an organizer with the March 25th Coalition, one of the main groups behind the mass rallies here in Los Angeles last year and for this upcoming May Day as well.

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