Monday, April 30, 2007


Más de 750 inmigrantes son detenidos en redadas de la operación "Devolver al Remitente"

Durante el mes pasado las autoridades de EE.UU han arrestado y detenido al menos a 750 inmigrantes en redadas por todo el país. Las redadas son parte de un programa llamado “Operación Devolver al Remitente” (Operation Return To Sender ), llevado a cabo por la agencia federal ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement - Vigilancia de Inmigración y Aduanas). Hablamos con el periodista laboral de larga trayectoria, David Bacon.

Friday, April 27th, 2007
750+ Immigrants Detained in "Operation Return To Sender" Raids

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Over the past month U.S. authorities have arrested and detained at least 750 immigrants in raids across the country. The sweeps are part of a program dubbed Operation Return To Sender run by the federal agency ICE, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement. We speak with longtime labor journalist, David Bacon. [includes rush transcript]
Over the past month U.S. authorities have arrested and detained at least 750 immigrants in raids across the country. The sweeps are part of a program dubbed Operation Return To Sender run by the federal agency ICE, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
In California 359 immigrants were detained over a two-week period in late March and early April. Many of the arrests were made after officials from ICE raided private homes.

In Maryland, 65 workers were detained in late March during a raid at the sportswear company Under Armour outside of Baltimore.

On April 4th in Beardstown Illinois, ICE raided a slaughterhouse owned by Cargill. 62 workers were arrested.

In New York, 42 immigrants were arrested near Albany in early April. Authorities raided private apartments and picked people off the streets. Two immigrants were arrested while buying a pizza.

In Pennsylvania, 61 immigrants were arrested during a four-day sweep.

In Willmar Minnesota, immigration officials were accused of waging a campaign of terror and intimidation after they raided private homes without warrants looking for undocumented immigrants. 49 arrests were made. Immigrant rights advocates sued federal authorities and accused them of targeting anyone who looked Latino.

On April 17th, 19 workers were arrested during a raid at a potato farm and processing plant in Colorado.

Two days later in West Burlington Iowa, 17 more immigrants were arrested at a concrete plant. Another 88 immigrants have been detained recently in New Orleans.

Longtime labor journalist and photographer David Bacon joins us in our Firehouse Studio. He has been closely following the recent immigration raids. He recently wrote an article titled "The Real Political Purpose of the ICE raids."

David Bacon, longtime labor journalist and photographer. He is a programmer on Pacifica Radio's KPFA in Berkeley and author of the new book "Communities Without Borders: Images and Voices From the World of Migration." He is in New York this weekend for the Labor Voices conference.
Check out David Bacon's Website.

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