Más de 750 inmigrantes son detenidos en redadas de la operación "Devolver al Remitente"
Durante el mes pasado las autoridades de EE.UU han arrestado y detenido al menos a 750 inmigrantes en redadas por todo el país. Las redadas son parte de un programa llamado “Operación Devolver al Remitente” (Operation Return To Sender ), llevado a cabo por la agencia federal ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement - Vigilancia de Inmigración y Aduanas). Hablamos con el periodista laboral de larga trayectoria, David Bacon.
Friday, April 27th, 2007
750+ Immigrants Detained in "Operation Return To Sender" Raids
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Over the past month U.S. authorities have arrested and detained at least 750 immigrants in raids across the country. The sweeps are part of a program dubbed Operation Return To Sender run by the federal agency ICE, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement. We speak with longtime labor journalist, David Bacon. [includes rush transcript]
Over the past month U.S. authorities have arrested and detained at least 750 immigrants in raids across the country. The sweeps are part of a program dubbed Operation Return To Sender run by the federal agency ICE, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
In California 359 immigrants were detained over a two-week period in late March and early April. Many of the arrests were made after officials from ICE raided private homes.
In Maryland, 65 workers were detained in late March during a raid at the sportswear company Under Armour outside of Baltimore.
On April 4th in Beardstown Illinois, ICE raided a slaughterhouse owned by Cargill. 62 workers were arrested.
In New York, 42 immigrants were arrested near Albany in early April. Authorities raided private apartments and picked people off the streets. Two immigrants were arrested while buying a pizza.
In Pennsylvania, 61 immigrants were arrested during a four-day sweep.
In Willmar Minnesota, immigration officials were accused of waging a campaign of terror and intimidation after they raided private homes without warrants looking for undocumented immigrants. 49 arrests were made. Immigrant rights advocates sued federal authorities and accused them of targeting anyone who looked Latino.
On April 17th, 19 workers were arrested during a raid at a potato farm and processing plant in Colorado.
Two days later in West Burlington Iowa, 17 more immigrants were arrested at a concrete plant. Another 88 immigrants have been detained recently in New Orleans.
Longtime labor journalist and photographer David Bacon joins us in our Firehouse Studio. He has been closely following the recent immigration raids. He recently wrote an article titled "The Real Political Purpose of the ICE raids."
David Bacon, longtime labor journalist and photographer. He is a programmer on Pacifica Radio's KPFA in Berkeley and author of the new book "Communities Without Borders: Images and Voices From the World of Migration." He is in New York this weekend for the Labor Voices conference.
Check out David Bacon's Website.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Los recolectores de tomates de Immokalee ganan una campaña contra McDonalds y ponen su mira en Burger King
Hablamos con Gerardo Reyes-Chávez, un trabajador agrícola que pertenece a la Coalición de Trabajadores de Immokalee (Coalition of Immokalee Workers). La coalición representa a más de 4.000 trabajadores, en su mayoría inmigrantes, que trabajan en los campos del suroeste de Florida. El grupo llevó a cabo recientemente una exitosa campaña contra el gigante de la comida rápida McDonalds por el precio de los tomates recogidos en Florida. En 2005, la coalición ganó también una campaña contra Taco Bell.
Tuesday, April 24th, 2007
Small Publications Face Crippling Postal Hike -- Based on Time Warner Recommendation
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Nation magazine publisher Katrina vanden Heuvel speaks out on a new US Post Office rate change that could affect many small and independent publications in this country. Postal rates for smaller periodicals could increase by as much as 30 percent while some of the largest circulation magazines will face hikes of less than 10 percent. According to internal documents, the hike was accepted based on a “a rate structure proposed by Time Warner, Inc.” [includes rush transcript]
The new postage rates that are being implemented by the US Post Office which could affect many small and independent publications in this country. Postal rates for smaller periodicals could increase by as much as 30 percent while some of the largest circulation magazines will face hikes of less than 10 percent.
The advocacy group Free Press says the rate change was developed with no public involvement or Congressional oversight. They are calling for a congressional hearing on the changes. The Postal Service Board of Governors recently accepted the periodical rate recommendations of the Postal Regulatory Commission. According to a document outlining the Board’s decision, the Commission recommended “a rate structure proposed by Time Warner, Inc.”
The Nation magazine is part of a broad coalition that has sent a letter to the Postal Board of Governors opposing the new postage rate plan.
Katrina vanden Heuvel. Editor and publisher of the The Nation magazine.
More info at Stoppostalratehikes.com
Hablamos con Gerardo Reyes-Chávez, un trabajador agrícola que pertenece a la Coalición de Trabajadores de Immokalee (Coalition of Immokalee Workers). La coalición representa a más de 4.000 trabajadores, en su mayoría inmigrantes, que trabajan en los campos del suroeste de Florida. El grupo llevó a cabo recientemente una exitosa campaña contra el gigante de la comida rápida McDonalds por el precio de los tomates recogidos en Florida. En 2005, la coalición ganó también una campaña contra Taco Bell.
Tuesday, April 24th, 2007
Small Publications Face Crippling Postal Hike -- Based on Time Warner Recommendation
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Nation magazine publisher Katrina vanden Heuvel speaks out on a new US Post Office rate change that could affect many small and independent publications in this country. Postal rates for smaller periodicals could increase by as much as 30 percent while some of the largest circulation magazines will face hikes of less than 10 percent. According to internal documents, the hike was accepted based on a “a rate structure proposed by Time Warner, Inc.” [includes rush transcript]
The new postage rates that are being implemented by the US Post Office which could affect many small and independent publications in this country. Postal rates for smaller periodicals could increase by as much as 30 percent while some of the largest circulation magazines will face hikes of less than 10 percent.
The advocacy group Free Press says the rate change was developed with no public involvement or Congressional oversight. They are calling for a congressional hearing on the changes. The Postal Service Board of Governors recently accepted the periodical rate recommendations of the Postal Regulatory Commission. According to a document outlining the Board’s decision, the Commission recommended “a rate structure proposed by Time Warner, Inc.”
The Nation magazine is part of a broad coalition that has sent a letter to the Postal Board of Governors opposing the new postage rate plan.
Katrina vanden Heuvel. Editor and publisher of the The Nation magazine.
More info at Stoppostalratehikes.com
En los Estados Unidos un gran porcentaje de la población ignora olímpicamente que es la OEA (Organización de Estados Americanos), por que para ellos los únicos americanos son ellos.
Ahora, el Presidente venezolano Hugo Chávez Frías, ha dicho que retirara Venezuela de dicho organismo, si la derecha internacional insiste en entrometerse en los asuntos soberanos de dicho país.
Chávez, tiene toda la razón, ya que la susodicha organización solo es un instrumento de dominación de la mafia financiera que gobierna los Estados Unidos, y de las elites financieras oligárquicas de la América Latina.
Los Estados Unidos, no debe integrar ninguna organización hasta que no se comprometa ante el mundo que cambiara su política exterior, que la de inmiscuirse en los asuntos internos de los países, que debe ser de respeto e igualdad.
En los Estados Unidos un gran porcentaje de la población ignora olímpicamente que es la OEA (Organización de Estados Americanos), por que para ellos los únicos americanos son ellos.
Ahora, el Presidente venezolano Hugo Chávez Frías, ha dicho que retirara Venezuela de dicho organismo, si la derecha internacional insiste en entrometerse en los asuntos soberanos de dicho país.
Chávez, tiene toda la razón, ya que la susodicha organización solo es un instrumento de dominación de la mafia financiera que gobierna los Estados Unidos, y de las elites financieras oligárquicas de la América Latina.
Los Estados Unidos, no debe integrar ninguna organización hasta que no se comprometa ante el mundo que cambiara su política exterior, que la de inmiscuirse en los asuntos internos de los países, que debe ser de respeto e igualdad.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Activistas contra el SIDA exigen un boicot global contra Abbot por detener su venta de medicamentos en Tailandia
Activistas en lucha contra el SIDA de todo el mundo se reunirán en Illinois el viernes para protestar afuera de la reunión anual de la junta de accionistas de la empresa “Abbot Laboratories”. Abbot fabrica varias drogas importantes contra el SIDA pero ha estado enredada en una controversia por sus acciones en Tailandia, donde decidió retener medicamentos por una disputa comercial.
Thursday, April 26th, 2007
AIDS Activists Call for Global Boycott of Abbott for Withholding Drug Sales in Thailand
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AIDS activists from around the globe are converging in Illinois on Friday to protest outside the annual shareholders meeting of the pharmaceutical company Abbott Laboratories. Abbott manufactures several leading AIDS drugs but has been embroiled in controversy over its actions in Thailand, where it moved to withhold medicines from the country over a commercial dispute. [includes rush transcript]
AIDS activists from around the United States and the world are converging in Illinois on Friday to protest outside the annual shareholders meeting of the pharmaceutical company Abbott Laboratories.
Abbott manufactures several leading AIDS drugs but has been embroiled in controversy over its actions in Thailand. Earlier this year the Thai government announced it would begin importing or producing cheaper, generic copies of Abbott's AIDS drug Kaletra.
Under international trade law, countries can issue what's known as compulsory licenses to manufacture or import generic drugs. This can be done without the consent of the foreign patent owner if the country deems it necessary to protect the health and welfare of its citizens.
Abbott responded in a way that shocked many AIDS activists - the company announced it would withhold seven new drugs from sale in Thailand including a new AIDS drugs and treatments for arthritis and high blood pressure.
Activists said it was unprecedented for a drug company to withhold medicines from a country over a commercial dispute.
The fight between the Thai government and Abbott has been closely watched by AIDS activists and the international medical community.
After coming under intense pressure, Abbott appears to be backing down on some of its original threats but only if Thailand agrees not to break the drug patents.
Jon Ungphakorn, longtime HIV/AIDS activist and former Thai Senator. He is the Executive Secretary of the AIDS Access Foundation and has been at the forefront of the civil society movement in Thailand to increase access to affordable medicines and improve public health.
Dr. Joia Mukherjee, medical director of Partners In Health and assistant professor at Harvard Medical School. She has overseen HIV/AIDS treatment programs in Haiti and in Rwanda.
Anuja Singh, student at Columbia University and member of the Student Global AIDS Campaign.
Activistas en lucha contra el SIDA de todo el mundo se reunirán en Illinois el viernes para protestar afuera de la reunión anual de la junta de accionistas de la empresa “Abbot Laboratories”. Abbot fabrica varias drogas importantes contra el SIDA pero ha estado enredada en una controversia por sus acciones en Tailandia, donde decidió retener medicamentos por una disputa comercial.
Thursday, April 26th, 2007
AIDS Activists Call for Global Boycott of Abbott for Withholding Drug Sales in Thailand
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AIDS activists from around the globe are converging in Illinois on Friday to protest outside the annual shareholders meeting of the pharmaceutical company Abbott Laboratories. Abbott manufactures several leading AIDS drugs but has been embroiled in controversy over its actions in Thailand, where it moved to withhold medicines from the country over a commercial dispute. [includes rush transcript]
AIDS activists from around the United States and the world are converging in Illinois on Friday to protest outside the annual shareholders meeting of the pharmaceutical company Abbott Laboratories.
Abbott manufactures several leading AIDS drugs but has been embroiled in controversy over its actions in Thailand. Earlier this year the Thai government announced it would begin importing or producing cheaper, generic copies of Abbott's AIDS drug Kaletra.
Under international trade law, countries can issue what's known as compulsory licenses to manufacture or import generic drugs. This can be done without the consent of the foreign patent owner if the country deems it necessary to protect the health and welfare of its citizens.
Abbott responded in a way that shocked many AIDS activists - the company announced it would withhold seven new drugs from sale in Thailand including a new AIDS drugs and treatments for arthritis and high blood pressure.
Activists said it was unprecedented for a drug company to withhold medicines from a country over a commercial dispute.
The fight between the Thai government and Abbott has been closely watched by AIDS activists and the international medical community.
After coming under intense pressure, Abbott appears to be backing down on some of its original threats but only if Thailand agrees not to break the drug patents.
Jon Ungphakorn, longtime HIV/AIDS activist and former Thai Senator. He is the Executive Secretary of the AIDS Access Foundation and has been at the forefront of the civil society movement in Thailand to increase access to affordable medicines and improve public health.
Dr. Joia Mukherjee, medical director of Partners In Health and assistant professor at Harvard Medical School. She has overseen HIV/AIDS treatment programs in Haiti and in Rwanda.
Anuja Singh, student at Columbia University and member of the Student Global AIDS Campaign.
Gary Webb, un Pulitzer Premio-que gana al reportero investigador que escribió una serie de historias que ligaban la Cia a la cocaína de la grieta que traficaba en Los Ángeles, es muerta en la edad 49. ¡Ahora oímos una entrevista 1998 con Gary Webb en democracia! y hablamos con su colega, parry. investigador de Roberto del periodista del veterano [ incluye la transcripción de las acometidas
Monday, December 13th, 2004
Investigative Reporter Gary Webb Who Linked CIA to Crack Sales Found Dead of Apparent Suicide
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Gary Webb, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter who wrote a series of stories linking the CIA to crack cocaine trafficking in Los Angeles, is dead at age 49. We hear an 1998 interview with Gary Webb on Democracy Now! and we speak with his colleague, veteran investigative journalist Robert Parry. [includes rush transcript]
Gary Webb, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter who wrote a series of stories linking the CIA to crack cocaine trafficking in Los Angeles, is dead at age 49.
Webb was found Friday morning at his home in Sacramento County, dead of an apparent suicide. Moving-company workers called authorities after discovering a note posted on his front door that read, "Please do not enter. Call 911 and ask for an ambulance." Webb died of a gunshot wound to the head, according to the Sacramento County coroner's office. He is survived by two sons and a daughter.
Gary Webb's 1996 series in the San Jose Mercury News titled "Dark Alliance" revealed that for the better part of a decade, a Bay Area drug ring sold tons of cocaine to Los Angeles street gangs and funneled millions in drug profits to the CIA-backed Nicaraguan Contras.
It provoked a fierce reaction from the media establishment, which denounced the series. Following the controversy, San Jose Mercury News executive editor demoted Webb within the paper. He resigned and pushed his investigation even further in his book "Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion."
Robert Parry, veteran investigative journalist and author of the new book "Secrecy & Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq." For years he worked as an investigative reporter for both the Associated Press and Newsweek magazine. His reporting led to the exposure of what is now known as the "Iran-Contra" scandal.
- Read Robert Parry's article: "America's Debt to Journalist Gary Webb"
Past Democracy Now Coverage:
7/1998 - The CIA-Contra Cocaine Connection
5/1998 - Gary Webb -- Dark Alliance Interview Part II
5/1998 - CIA Crack Connection Reporter Releases New Book
2/1998 - Analysis of C.I.A. Report On Its Involvement in Drug Trafficking
12/1997 - Gary Webb Resigns From the San Jose Mercury News
Gary Webb, un Pulitzer Premio-que gana al reportero investigador que escribió una serie de historias que ligaban la Cia a la cocaína de la grieta que traficaba en Los Ángeles, es muerta en la edad 49. ¡Ahora oímos una entrevista 1998 con Gary Webb en democracia! y hablamos con su colega, parry. investigador de Roberto del periodista del veterano [ incluye la transcripción de las acometidas
Monday, December 13th, 2004
Investigative Reporter Gary Webb Who Linked CIA to Crack Sales Found Dead of Apparent Suicide
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Gary Webb, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter who wrote a series of stories linking the CIA to crack cocaine trafficking in Los Angeles, is dead at age 49. We hear an 1998 interview with Gary Webb on Democracy Now! and we speak with his colleague, veteran investigative journalist Robert Parry. [includes rush transcript]
Gary Webb, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter who wrote a series of stories linking the CIA to crack cocaine trafficking in Los Angeles, is dead at age 49.
Webb was found Friday morning at his home in Sacramento County, dead of an apparent suicide. Moving-company workers called authorities after discovering a note posted on his front door that read, "Please do not enter. Call 911 and ask for an ambulance." Webb died of a gunshot wound to the head, according to the Sacramento County coroner's office. He is survived by two sons and a daughter.
Gary Webb's 1996 series in the San Jose Mercury News titled "Dark Alliance" revealed that for the better part of a decade, a Bay Area drug ring sold tons of cocaine to Los Angeles street gangs and funneled millions in drug profits to the CIA-backed Nicaraguan Contras.
It provoked a fierce reaction from the media establishment, which denounced the series. Following the controversy, San Jose Mercury News executive editor demoted Webb within the paper. He resigned and pushed his investigation even further in his book "Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion."
Robert Parry, veteran investigative journalist and author of the new book "Secrecy & Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq." For years he worked as an investigative reporter for both the Associated Press and Newsweek magazine. His reporting led to the exposure of what is now known as the "Iran-Contra" scandal.
- Read Robert Parry's article: "America's Debt to Journalist Gary Webb"
Past Democracy Now Coverage:
7/1998 - The CIA-Contra Cocaine Connection
5/1998 - Gary Webb -- Dark Alliance Interview Part II
5/1998 - CIA Crack Connection Reporter Releases New Book
2/1998 - Analysis of C.I.A. Report On Its Involvement in Drug Trafficking
12/1997 - Gary Webb Resigns From the San Jose Mercury News
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Los ex fiscales del Departamento de Justicia acusan al gobierno de Bush de restringir el voto afroamericano para favorecer a los republicanos
Otro escándalo se fragua en el Departamento de Justicia administrado por Alberto Gonzales. Ex fiscales del departamento han acusado públicamente a la administración Bush de politizar la división de derechos civiles del departamento, que fue formada hace 50 años para proteger los derechos al voto de los afroamericanos. Según un reciente artículo los periódicos de McClatchy, el gobierno de Bush ha llevado a cabo un agresivo esfuerzo legal para limitar las votaciones en ciertos estados clave de manera que los candidatos republicanos resulten beneficiados. Nos acompañan Joseph Rich, el ex director de la división de derechos civiles del Departamento de Justicia, y Bertha Lewis, directora ejecutiva de la Asociación neoyorquina de organizaciones comunitarias por la reforma inmediata (New York Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now).
Tuesday, April 24th, 2007
Ex-Justice Dept. Attorneys Accuse Bush Admin of Restricting African American Vote to Favor Republicans
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Another scandal is brewing inside Alberto Gonzales's Justice Department. Former Justice Department attorneys have publicly accused the Bush administration of politicizing the department's Civil Rights Division which was formed 50 years ago to protect the voting rights of African-Americans. According to a recent report by the McClatchy newspapers, the Bush administration has pursued an aggressive legal effort to restrict voter turnout in key battleground states in ways that favor Republican political candidates. We’re joined by Joseph Rich, the former head of the civil rights division of the Justice Department, and Bertha Lewis, Executive director of New York Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. [includes rush transcript]
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales told reporters on Monday he would not step down because of the scandal involving the firing of eight federal prosecutors. Earlier in the day President Bush voiced support for Gonzales and praised his appearance last week before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
While last week’s Senate hearing focused on the firing of the eight U.S. attorneys another related scandal is brewing inside Alberto Gonzales' Justice Department. Former Justice Department attorneys have publicly accused the Bush administration of politicizing the department's Civil Rights Division which was formed 50 years ago to protect the voting rights of African-Americans. According to a recent report by the McClatchy newspapers, the Bush administration has pursued an aggressive legal effort to restrict voter turnout in key battleground states in ways that favor Republican political candidates.
The administration did this in part by alleging widespread election fraud in largely Democratic areas and to push new voter ID rules. Civil rights advocates contend that the administration's policies were intended to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of poor and minority voters who tend to support Democrats.
At least two U.S. attorneys were fired after failing to bring voter fraud cases. Last year the Boston Globe reported the Bush administration is filling the permanent ranks of the Civil Rights Division with lawyers who have strong conservative credentials but little experience in civil rights. This has led to the Civil Rights Division focusing more on cases alleging reverse discrimination against whites and religious discrimination against Christians.
Joseph Rich. Former head of the civil rights division of the Justice Department joins us on the program. Worked at the Justice Department from 1968 to 2005. He joins us in Washington where he now works for the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.
Bertha Lewis. Executive director of New York ACORN. She is also the co-chair of the Working Families Party.
Otro escándalo se fragua en el Departamento de Justicia administrado por Alberto Gonzales. Ex fiscales del departamento han acusado públicamente a la administración Bush de politizar la división de derechos civiles del departamento, que fue formada hace 50 años para proteger los derechos al voto de los afroamericanos. Según un reciente artículo los periódicos de McClatchy, el gobierno de Bush ha llevado a cabo un agresivo esfuerzo legal para limitar las votaciones en ciertos estados clave de manera que los candidatos republicanos resulten beneficiados. Nos acompañan Joseph Rich, el ex director de la división de derechos civiles del Departamento de Justicia, y Bertha Lewis, directora ejecutiva de la Asociación neoyorquina de organizaciones comunitarias por la reforma inmediata (New York Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now).
Tuesday, April 24th, 2007
Ex-Justice Dept. Attorneys Accuse Bush Admin of Restricting African American Vote to Favor Republicans
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Another scandal is brewing inside Alberto Gonzales's Justice Department. Former Justice Department attorneys have publicly accused the Bush administration of politicizing the department's Civil Rights Division which was formed 50 years ago to protect the voting rights of African-Americans. According to a recent report by the McClatchy newspapers, the Bush administration has pursued an aggressive legal effort to restrict voter turnout in key battleground states in ways that favor Republican political candidates. We’re joined by Joseph Rich, the former head of the civil rights division of the Justice Department, and Bertha Lewis, Executive director of New York Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. [includes rush transcript]
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales told reporters on Monday he would not step down because of the scandal involving the firing of eight federal prosecutors. Earlier in the day President Bush voiced support for Gonzales and praised his appearance last week before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
While last week’s Senate hearing focused on the firing of the eight U.S. attorneys another related scandal is brewing inside Alberto Gonzales' Justice Department. Former Justice Department attorneys have publicly accused the Bush administration of politicizing the department's Civil Rights Division which was formed 50 years ago to protect the voting rights of African-Americans. According to a recent report by the McClatchy newspapers, the Bush administration has pursued an aggressive legal effort to restrict voter turnout in key battleground states in ways that favor Republican political candidates.
The administration did this in part by alleging widespread election fraud in largely Democratic areas and to push new voter ID rules. Civil rights advocates contend that the administration's policies were intended to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of poor and minority voters who tend to support Democrats.
At least two U.S. attorneys were fired after failing to bring voter fraud cases. Last year the Boston Globe reported the Bush administration is filling the permanent ranks of the Civil Rights Division with lawyers who have strong conservative credentials but little experience in civil rights. This has led to the Civil Rights Division focusing more on cases alleging reverse discrimination against whites and religious discrimination against Christians.
Joseph Rich. Former head of the civil rights division of the Justice Department joins us on the program. Worked at the Justice Department from 1968 to 2005. He joins us in Washington where he now works for the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.
Bertha Lewis. Executive director of New York ACORN. She is also the co-chair of the Working Families Party.
Monday, April 23, 2007
No más muertes: un grupo humanitario proporciona ayuda de emergencia a inmigrantes que cruzan la frontera
Uno de los más importantes asuntos relacionados con la inmigración en el suroeste ha sido la el peligro que los trabajadores indocumentados asumen al cruzar la frontera. Al menos 182 personas murieron el año pasado al intentar cruzar el desierto de Arizona . Hablamos con Shanti Sellz and Daniel Strauss, estudiantes voluntarios de No Más Muertes (No More Deaths), un grupo humanitario que proporciona ayuda a inmigrantes que cruzan la frontera entre Arizona y México. En 2005 fueron arrestados y acusados de dos delitos graves por ayudar a tres inmigrantes indocumentados a conseguir ayuda médica urgente.
Monday, April 23rd, 2007
No More Deaths: Humanitarian Group Provides Life-Saving Aid to Immigrants Crossing Border
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One of the biggest issues surrounding immigration in the Southwest has been the plight of undocumented workers crossing the borders. At least 182 people died trying to cross through the Arizona desert last year. We speak with Shanti Sellz and Daniel Strauss, student volunteers with No More Deaths, a humanitarian group that provides aid to immigrants crossing the Arizona-Mexico border. In 2005, they were arrested and charged with two felonies for helping three undocumented immigrants get urgently needed medical care. [includes rush transcript]
From those who can stay in this country to those who can't. Here in the Southwest, one of the biggest issues surrounding immigration has been the plight of undocumented workers crossing the borders. At least 182 people died trying to cross through the Arizona desert last year.
Shanti Sellz and Daniel Strauss are student volunteers with No More Deaths -- a humanitarian group that provides aid to immigrants crossing the Arizona and Mexico border. In the heat of summer in July 2005, they were arrested and charged with two felonies for helping three undocumented immigrants get urgently needed medical care. No More Deaths responded with a campaign they called "Humanitarian Aid is Never a Crime." The charges were finally dismissed last year.
Daniel Strauss, volunteer with No More Deaths, a coalition working along the Arizona-Mexico border.
Shanti Sellz, volunteer with No More Deaths, a coalition working along the Arizona-Mexico border.
Uno de los más importantes asuntos relacionados con la inmigración en el suroeste ha sido la el peligro que los trabajadores indocumentados asumen al cruzar la frontera. Al menos 182 personas murieron el año pasado al intentar cruzar el desierto de Arizona . Hablamos con Shanti Sellz and Daniel Strauss, estudiantes voluntarios de No Más Muertes (No More Deaths), un grupo humanitario que proporciona ayuda a inmigrantes que cruzan la frontera entre Arizona y México. En 2005 fueron arrestados y acusados de dos delitos graves por ayudar a tres inmigrantes indocumentados a conseguir ayuda médica urgente.
Monday, April 23rd, 2007
No More Deaths: Humanitarian Group Provides Life-Saving Aid to Immigrants Crossing Border
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One of the biggest issues surrounding immigration in the Southwest has been the plight of undocumented workers crossing the borders. At least 182 people died trying to cross through the Arizona desert last year. We speak with Shanti Sellz and Daniel Strauss, student volunteers with No More Deaths, a humanitarian group that provides aid to immigrants crossing the Arizona-Mexico border. In 2005, they were arrested and charged with two felonies for helping three undocumented immigrants get urgently needed medical care. [includes rush transcript]
From those who can stay in this country to those who can't. Here in the Southwest, one of the biggest issues surrounding immigration has been the plight of undocumented workers crossing the borders. At least 182 people died trying to cross through the Arizona desert last year.
Shanti Sellz and Daniel Strauss are student volunteers with No More Deaths -- a humanitarian group that provides aid to immigrants crossing the Arizona and Mexico border. In the heat of summer in July 2005, they were arrested and charged with two felonies for helping three undocumented immigrants get urgently needed medical care. No More Deaths responded with a campaign they called "Humanitarian Aid is Never a Crime." The charges were finally dismissed last year.
Daniel Strauss, volunteer with No More Deaths, a coalition working along the Arizona-Mexico border.
Shanti Sellz, volunteer with No More Deaths, a coalition working along the Arizona-Mexico border.
El terrorista cubano Posada Carriles liberado de una prisión de Nuevo México
Una nueva etapa se abre en un caso que marca una gran brecha en la forma en que EE.UU. otros países ven el terrorismo internacional. Luis Posada Carriles salió bajo fianza la semana pasada de una prisión de Nuevo México. Posada estuvo detenido por cargos de inmigración, pero muchas personas querrían verle juzgado por terrorismo en relación con el atentado de 1976 de un avión cubano, que mató a 73 personas con una bomba.
Monday, April 23rd, 2007
Cuban Militant Posada Carriles Released From New Mexico Jail
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A new phase has opened in a case that highlights a major gap in how the U.S. and many others view international terrorism. Luis Posada Carriles walked out of a New Mexico jail last week, free on bail. Posada was being held on immigration charges but many want to see him tried for terrorism in connection with the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner that killed 73 people. [includes rush transcript]
A new phase has opened in a case that highlights a major gap in how the US and many others view international terrorism. Luis Posada Carriles walked out of a New Mexico jail last week, free on bail. Posada was being held on immigration charges. But most people who know his name want to see him tried for terrorism.
Posada is the anti-Castro Cuban militant connected to the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner that killed 73 people. He is a former CIA operative who has worked for years to bring down the Cuban government. He has been detained in the U.S. on immigration charges since he snuck into the country in 2005. The U.S. has refused to extradite him to Cuba or Venezuela.
On Sunday Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez accused the U.S. of protecting international terrorism and said he would take the case to UN. Cuba has also renewed calls for Posada's extradition. This is Cuban National Assembly president Ricardo Alarcon.
Ricardo Alarcon, president of the Cuban National Assembly.
Posada is now in Miami ahead of his immigration trial next month. Last week Posada's attorney Louis Fernandez argued Posada's past is irrelevant to his status today.
Luis Fernandez, attorney for Luis Posada Carriles.
We go now to Venezeula to speak with Jose Pertierra, a Washington DC-based immigration lawyer. He has been retained by the Venezuelan government to represent it in the Luis Posada carriles case here in the United States.
Jose Pertierra, lawyer who representing the Venezuelan government in the Luis Posada carriles case here in the United States. He joins us on the line from Caracas.
Monday, April 23rd, 2007
Cuban Militant Posada Carriles Released From New Mexico Jail
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A new phase has opened in a case that highlights a major gap in how the U.S. and many others view international terrorism. Luis Posada Carriles walked out of a New Mexico jail last week, free on bail. Posada was being held on immigration charges but many want to see him tried for terrorism in connection with the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner that killed 73 people. [includes rush transcript]
A new phase has opened in a case that highlights a major gap in how the US and many others view international terrorism. Luis Posada Carriles walked out of a New Mexico jail last week, free on bail. Posada was being held on immigration charges. But most people who know his name want to see him tried for terrorism.
Posada is the anti-Castro Cuban militant connected to the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner that killed 73 people. He is a former CIA operative who has worked for years to bring down the Cuban government. He has been detained in the U.S. on immigration charges since he snuck into the country in 2005. The U.S. has refused to extradite him to Cuba or Venezuela.
On Sunday Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez accused the U.S. of protecting international terrorism and said he would take the case to UN. Cuba has also renewed calls for Posada's extradition. This is Cuban National Assembly president Ricardo Alarcon.
Ricardo Alarcon, president of the Cuban National Assembly.
Posada is now in Miami ahead of his immigration trial next month. Last week Posada's attorney Louis Fernandez argued Posada's past is irrelevant to his status today.
Luis Fernandez, attorney for Luis Posada Carriles.
We go now to Venezeula to speak with Jose Pertierra, a Washington DC-based immigration lawyer. He has been retained by the Venezuelan government to represent it in the Luis Posada carriles case here in the United States.
Jose Pertierra, lawyer who representing the Venezuelan government in the Luis Posada carriles case here in the United States. He joins us on the line from Caracas.
Una nueva etapa se abre en un caso que marca una gran brecha en la forma en que EE.UU. otros países ven el terrorismo internacional. Luis Posada Carriles salió bajo fianza la semana pasada de una prisión de Nuevo México. Posada estuvo detenido por cargos de inmigración, pero muchas personas querrían verle juzgado por terrorismo en relación con el atentado de 1976 de un avión cubano, que mató a 73 personas con una bomba.
Monday, April 23rd, 2007
Cuban Militant Posada Carriles Released From New Mexico Jail
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A new phase has opened in a case that highlights a major gap in how the U.S. and many others view international terrorism. Luis Posada Carriles walked out of a New Mexico jail last week, free on bail. Posada was being held on immigration charges but many want to see him tried for terrorism in connection with the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner that killed 73 people. [includes rush transcript]
A new phase has opened in a case that highlights a major gap in how the US and many others view international terrorism. Luis Posada Carriles walked out of a New Mexico jail last week, free on bail. Posada was being held on immigration charges. But most people who know his name want to see him tried for terrorism.
Posada is the anti-Castro Cuban militant connected to the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner that killed 73 people. He is a former CIA operative who has worked for years to bring down the Cuban government. He has been detained in the U.S. on immigration charges since he snuck into the country in 2005. The U.S. has refused to extradite him to Cuba or Venezuela.
On Sunday Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez accused the U.S. of protecting international terrorism and said he would take the case to UN. Cuba has also renewed calls for Posada's extradition. This is Cuban National Assembly president Ricardo Alarcon.
Ricardo Alarcon, president of the Cuban National Assembly.
Posada is now in Miami ahead of his immigration trial next month. Last week Posada's attorney Louis Fernandez argued Posada's past is irrelevant to his status today.
Luis Fernandez, attorney for Luis Posada Carriles.
We go now to Venezeula to speak with Jose Pertierra, a Washington DC-based immigration lawyer. He has been retained by the Venezuelan government to represent it in the Luis Posada carriles case here in the United States.
Jose Pertierra, lawyer who representing the Venezuelan government in the Luis Posada carriles case here in the United States. He joins us on the line from Caracas.
Monday, April 23rd, 2007
Cuban Militant Posada Carriles Released From New Mexico Jail
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A new phase has opened in a case that highlights a major gap in how the U.S. and many others view international terrorism. Luis Posada Carriles walked out of a New Mexico jail last week, free on bail. Posada was being held on immigration charges but many want to see him tried for terrorism in connection with the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner that killed 73 people. [includes rush transcript]
A new phase has opened in a case that highlights a major gap in how the US and many others view international terrorism. Luis Posada Carriles walked out of a New Mexico jail last week, free on bail. Posada was being held on immigration charges. But most people who know his name want to see him tried for terrorism.
Posada is the anti-Castro Cuban militant connected to the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner that killed 73 people. He is a former CIA operative who has worked for years to bring down the Cuban government. He has been detained in the U.S. on immigration charges since he snuck into the country in 2005. The U.S. has refused to extradite him to Cuba or Venezuela.
On Sunday Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez accused the U.S. of protecting international terrorism and said he would take the case to UN. Cuba has also renewed calls for Posada's extradition. This is Cuban National Assembly president Ricardo Alarcon.
Ricardo Alarcon, president of the Cuban National Assembly.
Posada is now in Miami ahead of his immigration trial next month. Last week Posada's attorney Louis Fernandez argued Posada's past is irrelevant to his status today.
Luis Fernandez, attorney for Luis Posada Carriles.
We go now to Venezeula to speak with Jose Pertierra, a Washington DC-based immigration lawyer. He has been retained by the Venezuelan government to represent it in the Luis Posada carriles case here in the United States.
Jose Pertierra, lawyer who representing the Venezuelan government in the Luis Posada carriles case here in the United States. He joins us on the line from Caracas.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Mike Farrell de M*A*S*H habla sobre su trayectoria como actor y como activista
El actor Mike Farrell es quizás mejor conocido por su papel como el Capitán B.J. Hunnicutt en la popular serie televisiva M*A*S*H. Además de eso, también es conocido por los largos años dedicados al activismo por la justicia social. Farrell acaba de publicar un nuevo libro titulado “Llámenme Mike: Un recorrido como actor y como activista.("Just Call Me Mike: A Journey to Actor and Activist").
Friday, April 20th, 2007
Mike Farrell of M*A*S*H on His Journey to Actor and Activist
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Actor Mike Farrell is perhaps best known for his role as Captain B.J. Hunnicutt in the popular TV series M*A*S*H. But aside from that, he is also known for his decades of social justice activism. Farrell has just come out with a new book called "Just Call Me Mike: A Journey to Actor and Activist." [includes rush transcript]
Actor Mike Farrell is perhaps best known for his role as Captain B.J. Hunnicutt in the popular TV series MASH. But aside from MASH, he is also known for his social justice activism.
In the lead-up to the Iraq war, Farrell was one of a number of actors who very publicly called for a peaceful resolution to the crisis. Since 1979, his work with human rights groups and aid organizations has brought him to dozens of countries, many of them ravaged by war. In the 1980s, he traveled to Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua and El Salvador. He has been to the Middle East several times. He was in Bosnia and Croatia during the war in Yugoslavia and he has been to many African nations. Over the years, Farrell has worked with the ACLU, Human Rights Watch, the United Farm Workers, Amnesty International, among others. He is currently the co-chair of Human Rights Watch in California and president of the anti-capital punishment group Death Penalty Focus. Mike Farrell has just come out with a new book called "Just Call Me Mike: A Journey to Actor and Activist."
Mike Farrell, author of "Just Call Me Mike: A Journey to Actor and Activist."
El actor Mike Farrell es quizás mejor conocido por su papel como el Capitán B.J. Hunnicutt en la popular serie televisiva M*A*S*H. Además de eso, también es conocido por los largos años dedicados al activismo por la justicia social. Farrell acaba de publicar un nuevo libro titulado “Llámenme Mike: Un recorrido como actor y como activista.("Just Call Me Mike: A Journey to Actor and Activist").
Friday, April 20th, 2007
Mike Farrell of M*A*S*H on His Journey to Actor and Activist
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Actor Mike Farrell is perhaps best known for his role as Captain B.J. Hunnicutt in the popular TV series M*A*S*H. But aside from that, he is also known for his decades of social justice activism. Farrell has just come out with a new book called "Just Call Me Mike: A Journey to Actor and Activist." [includes rush transcript]
Actor Mike Farrell is perhaps best known for his role as Captain B.J. Hunnicutt in the popular TV series MASH. But aside from MASH, he is also known for his social justice activism.
In the lead-up to the Iraq war, Farrell was one of a number of actors who very publicly called for a peaceful resolution to the crisis. Since 1979, his work with human rights groups and aid organizations has brought him to dozens of countries, many of them ravaged by war. In the 1980s, he traveled to Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua and El Salvador. He has been to the Middle East several times. He was in Bosnia and Croatia during the war in Yugoslavia and he has been to many African nations. Over the years, Farrell has worked with the ACLU, Human Rights Watch, the United Farm Workers, Amnesty International, among others. He is currently the co-chair of Human Rights Watch in California and president of the anti-capital punishment group Death Penalty Focus. Mike Farrell has just come out with a new book called "Just Call Me Mike: A Journey to Actor and Activist."
Mike Farrell, author of "Just Call Me Mike: A Journey to Actor and Activist."
Fue liberado el opositor a la guerra Agustín Aguayo
El paramédico del ejército Agustín Aguayo ha sido liberado esta semana después de más de seis meses bajo custodia militar por negarse a ser desplegado en Irak una segunda vez. Aguayo se ausentó sin permiso durante varias semanas tras negarse a cumplir la orden. Fue mantenido bajo custodia militar y encarcelamiento después de entregarse voluntariamente. Hablamos con la esposa de Agustín Aguayo, Helga.
Friday, April 20th, 2007
War Resister Agustin Aguayo Released
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Army medic Agustin Aguayo was released this week after more than six months in military custody for refusing to deploy to Iraq a second time. Aguayo went AWOL for weeks after refusing the order. He was taken into military custody and jailed after turning himself in. We speak with Agustin Aguayo's wife, Helga. [includes rush transcript]
The last time we broadcast from Los Angeles, we were joined by the army medic Agustin Aguayo and his wife Helga. It was September 25th, 2006 -- the day before Agustin turned himself in to the military. He had been AWOL for weeks after he refused to obey a second deployment order to Iraq. Aguayo was taken into military custody and jailed. Until this week. Agustin Aguyao has just been released. He remains on his military base in Germany where is awaiting a discharge. Agustin's wife Helga has led the campaign for his release.
Helga Aguyao, wife of Agustin Aguayo.
See 2006 interview with Agustin Aguyao
El paramédico del ejército Agustín Aguayo ha sido liberado esta semana después de más de seis meses bajo custodia militar por negarse a ser desplegado en Irak una segunda vez. Aguayo se ausentó sin permiso durante varias semanas tras negarse a cumplir la orden. Fue mantenido bajo custodia militar y encarcelamiento después de entregarse voluntariamente. Hablamos con la esposa de Agustín Aguayo, Helga.
Friday, April 20th, 2007
War Resister Agustin Aguayo Released
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Army medic Agustin Aguayo was released this week after more than six months in military custody for refusing to deploy to Iraq a second time. Aguayo went AWOL for weeks after refusing the order. He was taken into military custody and jailed after turning himself in. We speak with Agustin Aguayo's wife, Helga. [includes rush transcript]
The last time we broadcast from Los Angeles, we were joined by the army medic Agustin Aguayo and his wife Helga. It was September 25th, 2006 -- the day before Agustin turned himself in to the military. He had been AWOL for weeks after he refused to obey a second deployment order to Iraq. Aguayo was taken into military custody and jailed. Until this week. Agustin Aguyao has just been released. He remains on his military base in Germany where is awaiting a discharge. Agustin's wife Helga has led the campaign for his release.
Helga Aguyao, wife of Agustin Aguayo.
See 2006 interview with Agustin Aguyao
Friday, April 20, 2007
El Poliedro a reventar
(VIDEO) II Encuentro de propulsores del PSUV
Terrorista internacional Posada Carriles fue puesto en libertad bajo fianza
(VIDEO) Vicepresidente: "caso Posada demuestra al mundo hipocresía de Bush"
Cuba condena enérgicamente liberación de Posada Carriles
Red Venezolana de Medios Comunitarios se separa de AMARC LC por comunicado en apoyo a RCTvas
Desde el Poliedro de Caracas
(Video) ¡Chao, Ramón Martínez!: Presidente Cataloga de "groseras" declaraciones de gobernador de Sucre
(VIDEO) Derecha chilena no pudo enturbiar exitosa visita de Bachelet
Desde el Hotel Anauco Hilton
(VIDEO) Medios comunitarios: Se ha articulado el Poder Popular Comunicaciónal
(VIDEO) II Encuentro de propulsores del PSUV
Terrorista internacional Posada Carriles fue puesto en libertad bajo fianza
(VIDEO) Vicepresidente: "caso Posada demuestra al mundo hipocresía de Bush"
Cuba condena enérgicamente liberación de Posada Carriles
Red Venezolana de Medios Comunitarios se separa de AMARC LC por comunicado en apoyo a RCTvas
Desde el Poliedro de Caracas
(Video) ¡Chao, Ramón Martínez!: Presidente Cataloga de "groseras" declaraciones de gobernador de Sucre
(VIDEO) Derecha chilena no pudo enturbiar exitosa visita de Bachelet
Desde el Hotel Anauco Hilton
(VIDEO) Medios comunitarios: Se ha articulado el Poder Popular Comunicaciónal
Masiva marcha a favor de los derechos de los inmigrantes planeada para el Primero de Mayo de 2007, cuando se cumple un año del día que fue récord de protestas
Faltan menos de dos semanas para el Primero de Mayo. El año pasado, más de un millón y medio de defensores de los derechos de inmigrantes salieron a las calles para lo que se consideró el mayor día de protestas en la historia de EE.UU. Analizamos el estado del movimiento por los derechos de los inmigrantes y los planes para el Primero de Mayo de 2007.
Thursday, April 19th, 2007
Mass Immigrant Rights Rally Planned for May Day 2007 One Year After Record Day of Protest
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May Day is less than two weeks away. Last year, more than a million and a half immigrant rights supporters turned out for what was considered the largest day of protest in U.S. history. We take a look at the state of the immigrant rights movement and the plans for May Day 2007. [includes rush transcript]
We're less than two weeks from May Day. On that date last year, more than a million and a half immigrant rights supporters turned out for what was considered the largest day of protest in U.S. history. Many had walked off the job in an action meant to highlight the impact of living without immigrants. Organizers are expecting an even greater turnout this year. Protests and walkouts are planned across the country for what is being called The Great American Boycott II.
The immigrant rights movement is facing several challenges. President Bush recently vowed to renew his effort to pass immigration reform, while immigrant workers have been subjected to a growing wave of raids and deportations.
Javier Rodriguez, an organizer with the March 25th Coalition, one of the main groups behind the mass rallies here in Los Angeles last year and for this upcoming May Day as well.
Faltan menos de dos semanas para el Primero de Mayo. El año pasado, más de un millón y medio de defensores de los derechos de inmigrantes salieron a las calles para lo que se consideró el mayor día de protestas en la historia de EE.UU. Analizamos el estado del movimiento por los derechos de los inmigrantes y los planes para el Primero de Mayo de 2007.
Thursday, April 19th, 2007
Mass Immigrant Rights Rally Planned for May Day 2007 One Year After Record Day of Protest
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May Day is less than two weeks away. Last year, more than a million and a half immigrant rights supporters turned out for what was considered the largest day of protest in U.S. history. We take a look at the state of the immigrant rights movement and the plans for May Day 2007. [includes rush transcript]
We're less than two weeks from May Day. On that date last year, more than a million and a half immigrant rights supporters turned out for what was considered the largest day of protest in U.S. history. Many had walked off the job in an action meant to highlight the impact of living without immigrants. Organizers are expecting an even greater turnout this year. Protests and walkouts are planned across the country for what is being called The Great American Boycott II.
The immigrant rights movement is facing several challenges. President Bush recently vowed to renew his effort to pass immigration reform, while immigrant workers have been subjected to a growing wave of raids and deportations.
Javier Rodriguez, an organizer with the March 25th Coalition, one of the main groups behind the mass rallies here in Los Angeles last year and for this upcoming May Day as well.
Los planes de Blackwater para nueva instalación militar cerca de San Diego provocan indignación de residentes, activistas por la paz y el congresista local
La empresa privada de seguridad Blackwater USA planea construir un nuevo centro de entrenamiento militar en un rancho de más de 320 hectáreas en cerca de Potrero, un pequeño pueblo al este de San Diego. El proyecto, conocido como Blackwater Oeste, se enfrenta a la oposición de una creciente coalición de residentes de la zona, activistas por la paz y el medio ambiente. Hablamos con el congresista Bob Filner, que analiza la posibilidad de bloquear el proyecto a través de una legislación, y con un activista local y el periodista Jeremy Scahill, autor de Blackwater: el ascenso del ejército de mercenarios más poderoso del mundo ("Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army").
Thursday, April 19th, 2007
Blackwater Plans for New Military Facility Near San Diego Draws Fire From Residents, Peace Activists and Local Congressmember
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The private security firm Blackwater USA is planning to build a new military training center on an 800-acre ranch near Potrero, a tiny rural town east of San Diego. The project, known as Blackwater West, is being opposed by a growing coalition of local residents, environmentalists and peace activists. We speak with Rep Bob Filner who is exploring legislation to block the project as well as one of the local organizers and journalist Jeremy Scahill, author of "Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army." [includes rush transcript]
Today we are broadcasting from Los Angeles, California. About 150 miles south of here, near the US-Mexico border, the private security firm Blackwater is planning to build a new military training center known simply as "Blackwater West."
Plans for the new site include multiple firing ranges, training towers, an armory, a helipad, an urban simulation training area and a driving track.
Blackwater plans to build the facility on an 800-acre chicken and cattle ranch near Potrero, a tiny rural town about 45 miles east of San Diego. The project won preliminary approval from the local planning board in December, but since then more than half the registered voters of Potrero have signed a petition opposing it. The residents are being joined by a growing coalition of environmentalists and peace activists.
The project will ultimately need the approval of the county planning commission and the board of supervisors, a process that could take up to two years. Earlier this month, a normally routine county planning meeting on the project drew over 100 protesters. They were met by three dozen police and sheriff's deputies and people entering the meeting were required to walk through a metal detector.
Blackwater West is also running into opposition from a local Democratic Congressmember who represents the area. Representative Bob Filner said he is exploring legislation to block the project.
Congressmember Filner joins me on the line now from Washington DC. Here in Los Angeles I am joined by Raymond Lutz, one of the main organizers opposing the Blackwater West facility. He runs the websites Stopblackwater.net and citizensoversight.org. And in our firehouse studio in New York I am joined by Jeremy Scahill, author of the New York Times bestseller, "Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army."
We called Blackwater to invite them on the program but they declined our request.
Rep. Bob Filner, Democratic Congressmember representing California"s 51st congressional district. He is exploring legislation to block the proposal for the Blackwater West site in Potrero.
Jeremy Scahill, Democracy Now! correspondent and a Puffin Foundation Writing Fellow at The Nation Institute. He is the author of the new book, "Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army."
More information at Blackwaterbook.com
Raymond Lutz, one of the main organizers opposing the Blackwater West facility. He runs the websites Stopblackwater.net and citizensoversight.org. He is President of the East County Democratic Club.
La empresa privada de seguridad Blackwater USA planea construir un nuevo centro de entrenamiento militar en un rancho de más de 320 hectáreas en cerca de Potrero, un pequeño pueblo al este de San Diego. El proyecto, conocido como Blackwater Oeste, se enfrenta a la oposición de una creciente coalición de residentes de la zona, activistas por la paz y el medio ambiente. Hablamos con el congresista Bob Filner, que analiza la posibilidad de bloquear el proyecto a través de una legislación, y con un activista local y el periodista Jeremy Scahill, autor de Blackwater: el ascenso del ejército de mercenarios más poderoso del mundo ("Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army").
Thursday, April 19th, 2007
Blackwater Plans for New Military Facility Near San Diego Draws Fire From Residents, Peace Activists and Local Congressmember
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The private security firm Blackwater USA is planning to build a new military training center on an 800-acre ranch near Potrero, a tiny rural town east of San Diego. The project, known as Blackwater West, is being opposed by a growing coalition of local residents, environmentalists and peace activists. We speak with Rep Bob Filner who is exploring legislation to block the project as well as one of the local organizers and journalist Jeremy Scahill, author of "Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army." [includes rush transcript]
Today we are broadcasting from Los Angeles, California. About 150 miles south of here, near the US-Mexico border, the private security firm Blackwater is planning to build a new military training center known simply as "Blackwater West."
Plans for the new site include multiple firing ranges, training towers, an armory, a helipad, an urban simulation training area and a driving track.
Blackwater plans to build the facility on an 800-acre chicken and cattle ranch near Potrero, a tiny rural town about 45 miles east of San Diego. The project won preliminary approval from the local planning board in December, but since then more than half the registered voters of Potrero have signed a petition opposing it. The residents are being joined by a growing coalition of environmentalists and peace activists.
The project will ultimately need the approval of the county planning commission and the board of supervisors, a process that could take up to two years. Earlier this month, a normally routine county planning meeting on the project drew over 100 protesters. They were met by three dozen police and sheriff's deputies and people entering the meeting were required to walk through a metal detector.
Blackwater West is also running into opposition from a local Democratic Congressmember who represents the area. Representative Bob Filner said he is exploring legislation to block the project.
Congressmember Filner joins me on the line now from Washington DC. Here in Los Angeles I am joined by Raymond Lutz, one of the main organizers opposing the Blackwater West facility. He runs the websites Stopblackwater.net and citizensoversight.org. And in our firehouse studio in New York I am joined by Jeremy Scahill, author of the New York Times bestseller, "Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army."
We called Blackwater to invite them on the program but they declined our request.
Rep. Bob Filner, Democratic Congressmember representing California"s 51st congressional district. He is exploring legislation to block the proposal for the Blackwater West site in Potrero.
Jeremy Scahill, Democracy Now! correspondent and a Puffin Foundation Writing Fellow at The Nation Institute. He is the author of the new book, "Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army."
More information at Blackwaterbook.com
Raymond Lutz, one of the main organizers opposing the Blackwater West facility. He runs the websites Stopblackwater.net and citizensoversight.org. He is President of the East County Democratic Club.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Consultan a Cadivi y Finanzas alternativa cambiaria para venta de acciones Gobierno aspira retener 70% de Cantv
Los invita para el Sábado 21 de Abril 9:00 amCatia TVe inicia proceso de acercamiento con los Consejos Comunales
El 27 de abril gran cohetazo nacional en respaldo de no dar más concesión a RCTVMovilizaciones contra la desestabilización de los sectores golpistas y de quienes pactan con ellos desde el proceso
(VIDEO completo) Chávez: “UNASUR es un esfuerzo integrador”
Abogado Pertierra: A la Casa Blanca no le conviene soltar a Posada Carriles
El gobierno venezolano analiza nacionalizar Sidor, siderurgia de Ternium
EEUU ha comprometido cosechas futuras de maíz para producir etanol Chávez: Bush manipula y engaña con su propuesta sobre etanol
otras noticias
Los invita para el Sábado 21 de Abril 9:00 amCatia TVe inicia proceso de acercamiento con los Consejos Comunales
El 27 de abril gran cohetazo nacional en respaldo de no dar más concesión a RCTVMovilizaciones contra la desestabilización de los sectores golpistas y de quienes pactan con ellos desde el proceso
(VIDEO completo) Chávez: “UNASUR es un esfuerzo integrador”
Abogado Pertierra: A la Casa Blanca no le conviene soltar a Posada Carriles
El gobierno venezolano analiza nacionalizar Sidor, siderurgia de Ternium
EEUU ha comprometido cosechas futuras de maíz para producir etanol Chávez: Bush manipula y engaña con su propuesta sobre etanol
otras noticias
Howard Zinn exige a los soldados de EE.UU. a que sigan el consejo de Thoreau a “resistir la autoridad”
En la segunda parte de nuestra conversación con Howard Zinn y Noam Chomsky, continuamos la conversación con dos de los principales disidentes del país sobre las guerras de EE.UU. desde Iraq hasta Vietnam, sobre la resistencia y la academia. Zinn habla sobre la importancia de Henry David Thoreau y lo relevante que el significa hoy en día. Zinn afirma que los soldados deben “leer el ensayo de Thoreau sobre la desobediencia civil y tomar en serio sus consejos, realizar que el gobierno no es sagrado, pero lo que sí es sagrado es la vida humana y la libertad humana y el derecho del pueblo de resistir la autoridad.”
Tuesday, April 17th, 2007Howard Zinn Urges U.S. Soldiers to Heed Thoreau’s Advice and “Resist Authority”Listen to Segment Download Show mp3 Watch 128k stream Watch 256k stream Read Transcript Help Printer-friendly version Email to a friend Purchase Video/CD
In Part II of our conversation with Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky, we speak with the two leading dissidents about U.S. wars from Iraq to Vietnam, resistance and academia. Zinn speaks about the importance of Henry David Thoreau and his relevance today. Zinn says soldiers should “read Thoreau’s essay on civil disobedience or take its advice to heart, realize that the government is not holy, but what's holy is human life and human freedom and the right for people to resist authority.” [includes rush transcript]
Howard Zinn. Professor emeritus at Boston University. His classic work "A People's History of the United States" has sold over 1.5 million copies. His latest book is "A Power Governments Cannot Suppress."
Noam Chomsky. Professor Emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is the author of dozens of books on linguistics and U.S. foreign policy. His latest book is "Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy."
En la segunda parte de nuestra conversación con Howard Zinn y Noam Chomsky, continuamos la conversación con dos de los principales disidentes del país sobre las guerras de EE.UU. desde Iraq hasta Vietnam, sobre la resistencia y la academia. Zinn habla sobre la importancia de Henry David Thoreau y lo relevante que el significa hoy en día. Zinn afirma que los soldados deben “leer el ensayo de Thoreau sobre la desobediencia civil y tomar en serio sus consejos, realizar que el gobierno no es sagrado, pero lo que sí es sagrado es la vida humana y la libertad humana y el derecho del pueblo de resistir la autoridad.”
Tuesday, April 17th, 2007Howard Zinn Urges U.S. Soldiers to Heed Thoreau’s Advice and “Resist Authority”Listen to Segment Download Show mp3 Watch 128k stream Watch 256k stream Read Transcript Help Printer-friendly version Email to a friend Purchase Video/CD
In Part II of our conversation with Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky, we speak with the two leading dissidents about U.S. wars from Iraq to Vietnam, resistance and academia. Zinn speaks about the importance of Henry David Thoreau and his relevance today. Zinn says soldiers should “read Thoreau’s essay on civil disobedience or take its advice to heart, realize that the government is not holy, but what's holy is human life and human freedom and the right for people to resist authority.” [includes rush transcript]
Howard Zinn. Professor emeritus at Boston University. His classic work "A People's History of the United States" has sold over 1.5 million copies. His latest book is "A Power Governments Cannot Suppress."
Noam Chomsky. Professor Emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is the author of dozens of books on linguistics and U.S. foreign policy. His latest book is "Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy."
De la SDS (Estudiantes por una Sociedad Democrática) a la "Vida después del capitalismo": el fundador de la Revista Z, Michael Albert, habla sobre el activismo, 'Parecon' y su modelo para una sociedad participativa
Es una pregunta planteada durante años a los distintos movimientos sociales. Sabemos a lo que se oponen, pero ¿cuál es la alternativa? Michael Albert es considerado uno de los principales pensadores dedicados a esta pregunta. Albert ha estado escribiendo y hablando durante décadas sobre su concepto "PARECON", que involucra tanto una perspectiva económica como social. Es fundador de la Revista Z y su sitio web Znet, además de cofundador de la editorial South End Press.
Tuesday, April 17th, 2007From SDS to Life After Capitalism: Z Mag Founder Michael Albert on Activism, "Parecon" and a Model for a Participatory SocietyListen to Segment Download Show mp3 Watch 128k stream Watch 256k stream Read Transcript Help Printer-friendly version Email to a friend Purchase Video/CD
It's a question that's been posed to social movements for years. We know what you oppose, but what's your alternative? Michael Albert is considered one of today's leading thinkers on that very question. He has been writing and speaking on his concept of an economic and social vision for decades. Albert is founder of Z Magazine and its sister website Znet, as well as co-founder of South End Press. [includes rush transcript]
He is the author of numerous books, including "Parecon: Life After Capitalism" and "Realizing Hope: Life Beyond Capitalism." His latest book is called "Remembering Tomorrow: From SDS to Life After Capitalism, A Memoir."
Michael Albert, founder of Z Magazine, Znet and co-founder of South End Press. He is the author of numerous books, his latest is, "Remembering Tomorrow: A Memoir."
Es una pregunta planteada durante años a los distintos movimientos sociales. Sabemos a lo que se oponen, pero ¿cuál es la alternativa? Michael Albert es considerado uno de los principales pensadores dedicados a esta pregunta. Albert ha estado escribiendo y hablando durante décadas sobre su concepto "PARECON", que involucra tanto una perspectiva económica como social. Es fundador de la Revista Z y su sitio web Znet, además de cofundador de la editorial South End Press.
Tuesday, April 17th, 2007From SDS to Life After Capitalism: Z Mag Founder Michael Albert on Activism, "Parecon" and a Model for a Participatory SocietyListen to Segment Download Show mp3 Watch 128k stream Watch 256k stream Read Transcript Help Printer-friendly version Email to a friend Purchase Video/CD
It's a question that's been posed to social movements for years. We know what you oppose, but what's your alternative? Michael Albert is considered one of today's leading thinkers on that very question. He has been writing and speaking on his concept of an economic and social vision for decades. Albert is founder of Z Magazine and its sister website Znet, as well as co-founder of South End Press. [includes rush transcript]
He is the author of numerous books, including "Parecon: Life After Capitalism" and "Realizing Hope: Life Beyond Capitalism." His latest book is called "Remembering Tomorrow: From SDS to Life After Capitalism, A Memoir."
Michael Albert, founder of Z Magazine, Znet and co-founder of South End Press. He is the author of numerous books, his latest is, "Remembering Tomorrow: A Memoir."
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
La victoria de Rafael Correa en el Ecuador, demuestra que la izquierda es mayoría con toda seguridad en los países de nuestra América Latina.
En México, el candidato derechista Calderón se apodero del gobierno con un fraude descarado, del que fue testigo la comunidad internacional. Este fraude fue apoyando por el partido traidor del PRI y el gobierno estadounidense de Bush.
En Colombia, no hay dudas que el derechista Álvaro Uribe se afianzó en el poder por la colaboración del imperio y partido traidor del liberalismo.
En el Perú, el genocida Alan García Pérez, se apodero del gobierno para cumplir los deseos de la derecha traidora peruana, y por supuesto para cumplir con las corporaciones multinacionales. García, se ha vendido al capitalismo salvaje sin ninguna gota de pudor, por esto será juzgado en un tiempo no muy lejano.
En los demás pises donde todavía perdura la derecha traidora, sus días serán contados cuando en los países de arriba se produzca la revolución de los pueblos.
La victoria de Rafael Correa en el Ecuador, demuestra que la izquierda es mayoría con toda seguridad en los países de nuestra América Latina.
En México, el candidato derechista Calderón se apodero del gobierno con un fraude descarado, del que fue testigo la comunidad internacional. Este fraude fue apoyando por el partido traidor del PRI y el gobierno estadounidense de Bush.
En Colombia, no hay dudas que el derechista Álvaro Uribe se afianzó en el poder por la colaboración del imperio y partido traidor del liberalismo.
En el Perú, el genocida Alan García Pérez, se apodero del gobierno para cumplir los deseos de la derecha traidora peruana, y por supuesto para cumplir con las corporaciones multinacionales. García, se ha vendido al capitalismo salvaje sin ninguna gota de pudor, por esto será juzgado en un tiempo no muy lejano.
En los demás pises donde todavía perdura la derecha traidora, sus días serán contados cuando en los países de arriba se produzca la revolución de los pueblos.
Resumen de la Hora de Democracy Now! 16 de Abril de 2007
En una entrevista conjunta especial, Noam Chomsky y Howard Zinn hablan sobre Irak, Vietnam, el activismo y la historiaEn un programa especial de Democracy Now! desde Boston, dos de los principales disidentes de la ciudad, Noam Chomsky y Howard Zinn, se juntan para una exclusiva entrevista conjunta. Noam Chomsky comenzó a dar clases de lingüística en el Instituto de Tecnología de Massachussets (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) en Cambridge hace más de 50 años. Es autor de decenas de libros sobre lingüística y política exterior estadounidense. Howard Zinn es uno de los historiadores más leídos del país. Su obra clásica "A People's History of the United States" (Historia del pueblo de Estados Unidos) ha vendido más de un millón y medio de copias y ha influido en la manera en que se imparte la historia de la nación. Chomsky y Zinn hablan sobre Vietnam, el activismo, la historia, Israel y Palestina, e Iraq, a lo que Chomsky denomina "una de las mayores catástrofes en la historia militar y política".
To purchase an audio or video copy of this entire program, click here for our new online ordering or call 1 (888) 999-3877.
Monday, April 16th, 2007In Rare Joint Interview, Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn on Iraq, Vietnam, Activism and HistoryListen to Segment Download Show mp3 Watch 128k stream Watch 256k stream Read Transcript Help Printer-friendly version Email to a friend Purchase Video/CD
In a Democracy Now! special from Boston, two of the city's leading dissidents, Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn, sit down for a rare joint interview. Noam Chomsky began teaching linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge over 50 years ago. He is the author of dozens of books on linguistics and U.S. foreign policy. Howard Zinn is one of the country's most widely-read historians. His classic work “A People's History of the United States’ has sold over 1.5 million copies and it has altered how many teach the nation's history. Chomsky and Zinn discuss Vietnam, activism, history, Israel-Palestine, and Iraq, which Chomsky calls "one of the worst catastrophes in military and political history." [rush transcript included]
We are broadcasting today from Boston. It is Patriots Day here in Massachusetts – a state holiday to mark the start of the Revolutionary War. In a Democracy Now! special we are joined today by two of the city's leading dissidents, Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn. Noam Chomsky began teaching linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge over 50 years ago. He is the author of dozens of books on linguistics and U.S. foreign policy. His most recent book is titled “Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy.”
Howard Zinn is one of the country's most widely-read historians. He taught political science at Boston University from 1964 to 1988. His classic work “A People's History of the United States” has sold over 1.5 million copies and it has altered how many teach the nation's history. Howard Zinn's latest book is “A Power Governments Cannot Suppress.” Today an hour with Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky in a rare joint interview.
Noam Chomsky. Professor Emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is the author of dozens of books on linguistics and U.S. foreign policy. His latest book is "Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy."
Howard Zinn. Professor emeritus at Boston University. His classic work "A People's History of the United States" has sold over 1.5 million copies. His latest book is "A Power Governments Cannot Suppress."
En una entrevista conjunta especial, Noam Chomsky y Howard Zinn hablan sobre Irak, Vietnam, el activismo y la historiaEn un programa especial de Democracy Now! desde Boston, dos de los principales disidentes de la ciudad, Noam Chomsky y Howard Zinn, se juntan para una exclusiva entrevista conjunta. Noam Chomsky comenzó a dar clases de lingüística en el Instituto de Tecnología de Massachussets (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) en Cambridge hace más de 50 años. Es autor de decenas de libros sobre lingüística y política exterior estadounidense. Howard Zinn es uno de los historiadores más leídos del país. Su obra clásica "A People's History of the United States" (Historia del pueblo de Estados Unidos) ha vendido más de un millón y medio de copias y ha influido en la manera en que se imparte la historia de la nación. Chomsky y Zinn hablan sobre Vietnam, el activismo, la historia, Israel y Palestina, e Iraq, a lo que Chomsky denomina "una de las mayores catástrofes en la historia militar y política".
To purchase an audio or video copy of this entire program, click here for our new online ordering or call 1 (888) 999-3877.
Monday, April 16th, 2007In Rare Joint Interview, Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn on Iraq, Vietnam, Activism and HistoryListen to Segment Download Show mp3 Watch 128k stream Watch 256k stream Read Transcript Help Printer-friendly version Email to a friend Purchase Video/CD
In a Democracy Now! special from Boston, two of the city's leading dissidents, Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn, sit down for a rare joint interview. Noam Chomsky began teaching linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge over 50 years ago. He is the author of dozens of books on linguistics and U.S. foreign policy. Howard Zinn is one of the country's most widely-read historians. His classic work “A People's History of the United States’ has sold over 1.5 million copies and it has altered how many teach the nation's history. Chomsky and Zinn discuss Vietnam, activism, history, Israel-Palestine, and Iraq, which Chomsky calls "one of the worst catastrophes in military and political history." [rush transcript included]
We are broadcasting today from Boston. It is Patriots Day here in Massachusetts – a state holiday to mark the start of the Revolutionary War. In a Democracy Now! special we are joined today by two of the city's leading dissidents, Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn. Noam Chomsky began teaching linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge over 50 years ago. He is the author of dozens of books on linguistics and U.S. foreign policy. His most recent book is titled “Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy.”
Howard Zinn is one of the country's most widely-read historians. He taught political science at Boston University from 1964 to 1988. His classic work “A People's History of the United States” has sold over 1.5 million copies and it has altered how many teach the nation's history. Howard Zinn's latest book is “A Power Governments Cannot Suppress.” Today an hour with Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky in a rare joint interview.
Noam Chomsky. Professor Emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is the author of dozens of books on linguistics and U.S. foreign policy. His latest book is "Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy."
Howard Zinn. Professor emeritus at Boston University. His classic work "A People's History of the United States" has sold over 1.5 million copies. His latest book is "A Power Governments Cannot Suppress."
Sunday, April 15, 2007
La Cruz Roja advierte sobre la crisis humanitaria en Irak, la califica como "desastrosa", "inmensa" y "que va empeorándose"
El Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja (CICR) advierte que el conflicto en Irak está infligiendo un inmenso sufrimiento a toda la población, y empeora continuamente. La Cruz Roja afirma que “los civiles están soportando la peor parte de la implacable violencia y las extremadamente limitadas condiciones de seguridad que trastornan las vidas y el sustento de millones de personas”. Nada Doumani, portavoz del CICR, nos acompaña desde Amman, Jordania.
Thursday, April 12th, 2007Red Cross Warns "Disastrous," “Immense” Iraqi Humanitarian Crisis "Ever-Worsening"Listen to Segment Download Show mp3 Watch 128k stream Watch 256k stream Read Transcript Help Printer-friendly version Email to a friend Purchase Video/CD
The International Committee of the Red Cross is warning that the conflict in Iraq is inflicting immense suffering on the entire population and is steadily getting worse. The Red Cross says “civilians are bearing the brunt of the relentless violence and the extremely poor security conditions that are disrupting the lives and livelihoods of millions.” ICRC spokesperson Nada Doumani joins us from Amman, Jordan. [includes rush transcript]
An explosion rocked the Iraqi parliament in Baghdad today, killing at least one person and wounding dozens more. The blast reportedly took place at a cafeteria inside the building at a time when many members of parliament were having lunch. The parliament building is located inside the heavily fortified Green Zone.
Earlier today a truck bomb explosion on a bridge in Baghdad killed as many ten people and sent several cars plunging into the Tigris River below. The blast partially destroyed the Sarafiya Bridge, a major artery linking east and west Baghdad.
The violence comes one day after the International Committee of the Red Cross is warning in a new report that the conflict in Iraq is inflicting immense suffering on the entire population and is steadily getting worse. The Red Cross says “civilians are bearing the brunt of the relentless violence and the extremely poor security conditions that are disrupting the lives and livelihoods of millions.” The report found that hospitals are overstretched, malnutrition is rising and power outages are intensifying.
The ICRC still has a presence in Iraq despite the bombing of its Baghdad offices three and a half years ago. It has over 400 Iraqis working for it in the country and has an additional 57 international staff based in Iraq and Jordan.
Nada Doumani. Spokesperson for the International Committee of the Red Cross. She joins us on the line from Amman, Jordan.
El Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja (CICR) advierte que el conflicto en Irak está infligiendo un inmenso sufrimiento a toda la población, y empeora continuamente. La Cruz Roja afirma que “los civiles están soportando la peor parte de la implacable violencia y las extremadamente limitadas condiciones de seguridad que trastornan las vidas y el sustento de millones de personas”. Nada Doumani, portavoz del CICR, nos acompaña desde Amman, Jordania.
Thursday, April 12th, 2007Red Cross Warns "Disastrous," “Immense” Iraqi Humanitarian Crisis "Ever-Worsening"Listen to Segment Download Show mp3 Watch 128k stream Watch 256k stream Read Transcript Help Printer-friendly version Email to a friend Purchase Video/CD
The International Committee of the Red Cross is warning that the conflict in Iraq is inflicting immense suffering on the entire population and is steadily getting worse. The Red Cross says “civilians are bearing the brunt of the relentless violence and the extremely poor security conditions that are disrupting the lives and livelihoods of millions.” ICRC spokesperson Nada Doumani joins us from Amman, Jordan. [includes rush transcript]
An explosion rocked the Iraqi parliament in Baghdad today, killing at least one person and wounding dozens more. The blast reportedly took place at a cafeteria inside the building at a time when many members of parliament were having lunch. The parliament building is located inside the heavily fortified Green Zone.
Earlier today a truck bomb explosion on a bridge in Baghdad killed as many ten people and sent several cars plunging into the Tigris River below. The blast partially destroyed the Sarafiya Bridge, a major artery linking east and west Baghdad.
The violence comes one day after the International Committee of the Red Cross is warning in a new report that the conflict in Iraq is inflicting immense suffering on the entire population and is steadily getting worse. The Red Cross says “civilians are bearing the brunt of the relentless violence and the extremely poor security conditions that are disrupting the lives and livelihoods of millions.” The report found that hospitals are overstretched, malnutrition is rising and power outages are intensifying.
The ICRC still has a presence in Iraq despite the bombing of its Baghdad offices three and a half years ago. It has over 400 Iraqis working for it in the country and has an additional 57 international staff based in Iraq and Jordan.
Nada Doumani. Spokesperson for the International Committee of the Red Cross. She joins us on the line from Amman, Jordan.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
¿Quién mató al automóvil eléctrico? Un nuevo documental analiza la misteriosa desaparición del EV-1
General Motors ha estado en el centro de una de las mayores polémicas del país relacionadas con los autos no contaminantes. En 1996 la compañía presentó el automóvil eléctrico EV-1 en California y Arizona. Muy pronto cientos de esos coches ya estaban en las carreteras. Poco después desaparecieron. El misterio tras su desaparición es el tema del documental ¿Quién mató al coche eléctrico? (“Who Killed the Electric Car?”). Nos acompaña el director del filme, Chris Paine, y Chelsea Sexton, una antigua empleada de GM que trabajó en el coche eléctrico EV-1.
To purchase an audio or video copy of this entire program, click here for our new online ordering or call 1 (888) 999-3877.
Friday, April 13th, 2007Who Killed the Electric Car? New Documentary Looks at the Mysterious Disappearance of the EV-1Listen to Segment Download Show mp3 Watch 128k stream Watch 256k stream Read Transcript Help Printer-friendly version Email to a friend Purchase Video/CD
General Motors has been at the center of one of the nation's largest controversies over clean emissions-cars. In 1996 the company introduced the EV-1 electric car in California and Arizona. Hundreds of the electric cars were soon on the road. Then they all disappeared. The mystery behind their disappearance is the subject of the documentary “Who Killed the Electric Car?” We’re joined by the film’s director Chris Paine, and Chelsea Sexton, a former GM employee who worked on the EV-1 electric car. [rush transcript included]
In the San Francisco Bay Area, environmentalists are planning to hold a clean car rally on Saturday as part of the Step it Up day of action. The rally will feature plug-in hybrid cars, bio-diesel conversions, solar buses and electric cars. A clean car caravan is scheduled to travel to the General Motors dealership in Marin. Activists plan to call on GM to plug in hybrids, not hummers. It won’t be the first time protests have occurred outside a GM dealership in California. General Motors has been at the center of one of the nation's largest controversies over clean emissions-cars.
In 1996 the company introduced the EV-1 electric car in California and Arizona. Hundreds of the electric cars were soon on the road. Then they all disappeared. The mystery behind their disappearance is the subject of the documentary “Who Killed the Electric Car?”
In a moment the film's director Chris Paine and a former General Motors employee, Chelsea Sexton will join us. But first we play an excerpt from the film.
Excerpt of “Who Killed the Electric Car?”Despite the praise from drivers, General Motors stopped manufacturing the cars and forced all drivers to return their EV-1s. GM was able to do this because none of the cars had actually been sold, only leased. After the electric cars were removed from the road they were sent to Arizona where they were crushed. The film’s director Chris Paine joins us in our firehouse studio today. And in Los Angeles we are joined by Chelsea Sexton, she is a former General Motors employee who worked on the EV-1 electric car. She is now the executive director of Plug In America.
Chris Paine. Director of the documentary “Who Killed the Electric Car?”
Chelsea Sexton. Former General Motors employee who worked on the EV-1 electric car. She is now the executive director of Plug In America.
General Motors ha estado en el centro de una de las mayores polémicas del país relacionadas con los autos no contaminantes. En 1996 la compañía presentó el automóvil eléctrico EV-1 en California y Arizona. Muy pronto cientos de esos coches ya estaban en las carreteras. Poco después desaparecieron. El misterio tras su desaparición es el tema del documental ¿Quién mató al coche eléctrico? (“Who Killed the Electric Car?”). Nos acompaña el director del filme, Chris Paine, y Chelsea Sexton, una antigua empleada de GM que trabajó en el coche eléctrico EV-1.
To purchase an audio or video copy of this entire program, click here for our new online ordering or call 1 (888) 999-3877.
Friday, April 13th, 2007Who Killed the Electric Car? New Documentary Looks at the Mysterious Disappearance of the EV-1Listen to Segment Download Show mp3 Watch 128k stream Watch 256k stream Read Transcript Help Printer-friendly version Email to a friend Purchase Video/CD
General Motors has been at the center of one of the nation's largest controversies over clean emissions-cars. In 1996 the company introduced the EV-1 electric car in California and Arizona. Hundreds of the electric cars were soon on the road. Then they all disappeared. The mystery behind their disappearance is the subject of the documentary “Who Killed the Electric Car?” We’re joined by the film’s director Chris Paine, and Chelsea Sexton, a former GM employee who worked on the EV-1 electric car. [rush transcript included]
In the San Francisco Bay Area, environmentalists are planning to hold a clean car rally on Saturday as part of the Step it Up day of action. The rally will feature plug-in hybrid cars, bio-diesel conversions, solar buses and electric cars. A clean car caravan is scheduled to travel to the General Motors dealership in Marin. Activists plan to call on GM to plug in hybrids, not hummers. It won’t be the first time protests have occurred outside a GM dealership in California. General Motors has been at the center of one of the nation's largest controversies over clean emissions-cars.
In 1996 the company introduced the EV-1 electric car in California and Arizona. Hundreds of the electric cars were soon on the road. Then they all disappeared. The mystery behind their disappearance is the subject of the documentary “Who Killed the Electric Car?”
In a moment the film's director Chris Paine and a former General Motors employee, Chelsea Sexton will join us. But first we play an excerpt from the film.
Excerpt of “Who Killed the Electric Car?”Despite the praise from drivers, General Motors stopped manufacturing the cars and forced all drivers to return their EV-1s. GM was able to do this because none of the cars had actually been sold, only leased. After the electric cars were removed from the road they were sent to Arizona where they were crushed. The film’s director Chris Paine joins us in our firehouse studio today. And in Los Angeles we are joined by Chelsea Sexton, she is a former General Motors employee who worked on the EV-1 electric car. She is now the executive director of Plug In America.
Chris Paine. Director of the documentary “Who Killed the Electric Car?”
Chelsea Sexton. Former General Motors employee who worked on the EV-1 electric car. She is now the executive director of Plug In America.
Resumen Hora Completa DN,13 de abril de 2007
PBS criticada por excluir a latinos y nativos de un documental sobre la Segunda Guerra Mundial Una coalición de organizaciones latinas ha criticado a la PBS (televisión pública de EE.UU.) por un futuro documental de Ken Burns sobre la Segunda Guerra Mundial porque ignora el papel desempañado por los soldados latinos en la guerra. El filme de 14 horas de duración, titulado “The War” (La Guerra), no incluye ninguna entrevista con veteranos latinos a pesar de que más de 500.000 sirvieron en la guerra. El documental tampoco incluye entrevistas con indígenas veteranos. Hablaremos con Maggie Rivas-Rodríguez, profesora de la Universidad de Texas, que ha liderado la protesta contra la PBS.
Friday, April 13th, 2007PBS Criticized for Excluding Latino, Native Voices from WWII DocumentaryListen to Segment Download Show mp3 Watch 128k stream Watch 256k stream Read Transcript Help Printer-friendly version Email to a friend Purchase Video/CD
A coalition of Latino organizations have been criticizing PBS over a forthcoming documentary by Ken Burns on World War II because it ignores the role played by Latino soldiers in the war. The 14-hour film, “The War,” includes no interviews with any Latino veterans even though over 500,000 Latinos served in the war. The documentary also includes no interviews with any Native American veterans. We speak with Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez, a University of Texas professor who has led the protests against PBS. [rush transcript included]
MSNBC and CBS Radio have not been the only media networks facing protests recently. A coalition of Latino organizations have been criticizing PBS over a forthcoming documentary by Ken Burns on World War II because it ignores the role played by Latino soldiers in the war The 14-hour film, “The War,” includes no interviews with any Latino veterans even though over 500,000 Latinos served in the war. The documentary also includes no interviews with any Native American veterans.
In response to the protests, Ken Burns announced this week that he would create additional content that focuses on the stories of Latino and Native American veterans. Burns said he would not make any changes to the existing film but he vowed to create additional material to run in conjunction with the documentary. “The War” is scheduled to premier in September.
Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez. She helped lead the protests against PBS. She is the associate director of the Center for Mexican-American Studies at the University of Texas. Since 1999, she has spearheaded the U.S. Latino and Latina World War II Oral History Project. She is also the editor of the book “Mexican Americans and World War II.” She joins us from Austin, Texas.
PBS criticada por excluir a latinos y nativos de un documental sobre la Segunda Guerra Mundial Una coalición de organizaciones latinas ha criticado a la PBS (televisión pública de EE.UU.) por un futuro documental de Ken Burns sobre la Segunda Guerra Mundial porque ignora el papel desempañado por los soldados latinos en la guerra. El filme de 14 horas de duración, titulado “The War” (La Guerra), no incluye ninguna entrevista con veteranos latinos a pesar de que más de 500.000 sirvieron en la guerra. El documental tampoco incluye entrevistas con indígenas veteranos. Hablaremos con Maggie Rivas-Rodríguez, profesora de la Universidad de Texas, que ha liderado la protesta contra la PBS.
Friday, April 13th, 2007PBS Criticized for Excluding Latino, Native Voices from WWII DocumentaryListen to Segment Download Show mp3 Watch 128k stream Watch 256k stream Read Transcript Help Printer-friendly version Email to a friend Purchase Video/CD
A coalition of Latino organizations have been criticizing PBS over a forthcoming documentary by Ken Burns on World War II because it ignores the role played by Latino soldiers in the war. The 14-hour film, “The War,” includes no interviews with any Latino veterans even though over 500,000 Latinos served in the war. The documentary also includes no interviews with any Native American veterans. We speak with Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez, a University of Texas professor who has led the protests against PBS. [rush transcript included]
MSNBC and CBS Radio have not been the only media networks facing protests recently. A coalition of Latino organizations have been criticizing PBS over a forthcoming documentary by Ken Burns on World War II because it ignores the role played by Latino soldiers in the war The 14-hour film, “The War,” includes no interviews with any Latino veterans even though over 500,000 Latinos served in the war. The documentary also includes no interviews with any Native American veterans.
In response to the protests, Ken Burns announced this week that he would create additional content that focuses on the stories of Latino and Native American veterans. Burns said he would not make any changes to the existing film but he vowed to create additional material to run in conjunction with the documentary. “The War” is scheduled to premier in September.
Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez. She helped lead the protests against PBS. She is the associate director of the Center for Mexican-American Studies at the University of Texas. Since 1999, she has spearheaded the U.S. Latino and Latina World War II Oral History Project. She is also the editor of the book “Mexican Americans and World War II.” She joins us from Austin, Texas.
Friday, April 13, 2007
El Banco Mundial y el Fondo Monetario Internacional, fueron creados como instrumentos de dominación, por los mafiosos financieros que gobiernan los Estados Unidos, para desgracia de sus ciudadanos y los países débiles económicamente del mundo.
Pero, Alan García Pérez, Presidente del Perú quiere seguir haciendo negocio con estos delincuentes internacionales. No hay caso que García es el colmo de los sinvergüenzas.
Personal del Banco Mundial solicita renuncia de Wolfowitz
El presidente del Banco Mundial, Paul Wolfowitz, está envuelto en un escándalo que podría provocar que pierda su trabajo. Se descubrió que Wolfowitz ordenó un importante aumento salarial y ascenso para su pareja de hace mucho tiempo, Shaha Riza. La asociación de personal del Banco Mundial está solicitando su renuncia. El jueves, Wolfowitz intentó hablar con los miembros de personal, pero estos lo abuchearon mientras coreaban pidiendo su renuncia. El presidente del Banco Mundial también apareció en una inusual conferencia de prensa para hablar sobre su caso.
El Presidente del Banco Mundial, Paul Wolfowitz, dijo: “Cometí un error, por el cual pido disculpas. Pero permítanme pedirles comprensión. Este no solamente fue un dilema personal doloroso, sino que además tuve que lidiar con él siendo nuevo en esta institución y estaba intentando navegar en aguas turbulentas”.
El Banco Mundial y el Fondo Monetario Internacional, fueron creados como instrumentos de dominación, por los mafiosos financieros que gobiernan los Estados Unidos, para desgracia de sus ciudadanos y los países débiles económicamente del mundo.
Pero, Alan García Pérez, Presidente del Perú quiere seguir haciendo negocio con estos delincuentes internacionales. No hay caso que García es el colmo de los sinvergüenzas.
Personal del Banco Mundial solicita renuncia de Wolfowitz
El presidente del Banco Mundial, Paul Wolfowitz, está envuelto en un escándalo que podría provocar que pierda su trabajo. Se descubrió que Wolfowitz ordenó un importante aumento salarial y ascenso para su pareja de hace mucho tiempo, Shaha Riza. La asociación de personal del Banco Mundial está solicitando su renuncia. El jueves, Wolfowitz intentó hablar con los miembros de personal, pero estos lo abuchearon mientras coreaban pidiendo su renuncia. El presidente del Banco Mundial también apareció en una inusual conferencia de prensa para hablar sobre su caso.
El Presidente del Banco Mundial, Paul Wolfowitz, dijo: “Cometí un error, por el cual pido disculpas. Pero permítanme pedirles comprensión. Este no solamente fue un dilema personal doloroso, sino que además tuve que lidiar con él siendo nuevo en esta institución y estaba intentando navegar en aguas turbulentas”.
Guerra e Impuestos: con el 40% de los impuestos destinados a las fuerzas armadas, los opositores a la guerra se preparan a retener sus impuestos para protestar contra la guerra
Este martes vence el plazo para pagar los impuestos. Se calcula que el Departamento de Hacienda (Internal Revenue Service) recibirá ingresos de 2 billones de dólares ($ Casi el 40% de esa cantidad se destinará a gastos relacionados con las fuerzas armadas. Opositores a la guerra de todo el país planean retener una parte o el total de sus impuestos para protestar contra la guerra. Hablamos con Pamela Schwartz del Proyecto de Prioridades Nacionales (National Priorities Project) y con Runn Benn de la Coordinadora Nacional de Oposición a los Impuestos para la Guerra (National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee).
Thursday, April 12th, 2007War and Taxes: With 40% of IRS Revenue Going to Military, Resisters Prepare to Withhold Taxes to Protest WarListen to Segment Download Show mp3 Watch 128k stream Watch 256k stream Read Transcript Help Printer-friendly version Email to a friend Purchase Video/CD
Tax day is this Tuesday. The Internal Revenue Service is expected to take in over $2 trillion dollars this year. Nearly 40 percent of that total will go to military related expenses. Tax resisters across the country are planning to withhold part or all of their taxes to protest the war. We speak with Pamela Schwartz of the National Priorities Project and Runn Benn of the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee. [includes rush transcript]
With tax day less than a week away, millions of Americans are preparing to send checks to the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS is expected to take in over two trillion dollars this year. Nearly 40 percent of that total will go to military related expenses. This according to a new report by the National Priorities Project. The research group estimates 27 percent of your federal taxes will be pay for current military spending including the war in Iraq. An additional nine percent will help pay off debt from past wars and military expenses. And another three percent covers benefits for veterans.
While Pentagon spending is reaching the highest levels since World War II, some Americans are personally refusing to fund the military. Tax resisters across the country are planning to withhold part or all of their taxes to protest the war. Two guests join me now to talk more about war and taxes.
Pamela Schwartz. Communications director at the National Priorities Project. She joins us from Chicopee, Massachusetts. Website: Cost of War.com
Ruth Benn. Coordinator of the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee and co-author of the book “War Tax Resistance: A Guide To Withholding Your Support From The Military.”
Special thanks to Robbie Leppzer and Turning Tide Productions for providing video used in this segment.
Este martes vence el plazo para pagar los impuestos. Se calcula que el Departamento de Hacienda (Internal Revenue Service) recibirá ingresos de 2 billones de dólares ($ Casi el 40% de esa cantidad se destinará a gastos relacionados con las fuerzas armadas. Opositores a la guerra de todo el país planean retener una parte o el total de sus impuestos para protestar contra la guerra. Hablamos con Pamela Schwartz del Proyecto de Prioridades Nacionales (National Priorities Project) y con Runn Benn de la Coordinadora Nacional de Oposición a los Impuestos para la Guerra (National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee).
Thursday, April 12th, 2007War and Taxes: With 40% of IRS Revenue Going to Military, Resisters Prepare to Withhold Taxes to Protest WarListen to Segment Download Show mp3 Watch 128k stream Watch 256k stream Read Transcript Help Printer-friendly version Email to a friend Purchase Video/CD
Tax day is this Tuesday. The Internal Revenue Service is expected to take in over $2 trillion dollars this year. Nearly 40 percent of that total will go to military related expenses. Tax resisters across the country are planning to withhold part or all of their taxes to protest the war. We speak with Pamela Schwartz of the National Priorities Project and Runn Benn of the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee. [includes rush transcript]
With tax day less than a week away, millions of Americans are preparing to send checks to the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS is expected to take in over two trillion dollars this year. Nearly 40 percent of that total will go to military related expenses. This according to a new report by the National Priorities Project. The research group estimates 27 percent of your federal taxes will be pay for current military spending including the war in Iraq. An additional nine percent will help pay off debt from past wars and military expenses. And another three percent covers benefits for veterans.
While Pentagon spending is reaching the highest levels since World War II, some Americans are personally refusing to fund the military. Tax resisters across the country are planning to withhold part or all of their taxes to protest the war. Two guests join me now to talk more about war and taxes.
Pamela Schwartz. Communications director at the National Priorities Project. She joins us from Chicopee, Massachusetts. Website: Cost of War.com
Ruth Benn. Coordinator of the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee and co-author of the book “War Tax Resistance: A Guide To Withholding Your Support From The Military.”
Special thanks to Robbie Leppzer and Turning Tide Productions for providing video used in this segment.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Commander: Marines Used 'Excessive Force' in Killing Afghan Civilians
Iraq: Now the South Erupts
Iraqi Refugees Speak of Escape from Hell
Could a Google Search Have Helped Prevent the War in Iraq?
US Forces to 'Wall Off Baghdad Streets', Imprisoning Inhabitants
Study Shows Bush, Blair Making World Less Safe
Israeli Fighter Jets Nearly Destroy US Civilian Airliner
On Video: Palestinian as Human Shield
Commander: Marines Used 'Excessive Force' in Killing Afghan Civilians
Iraq: Now the South Erupts
Iraqi Refugees Speak of Escape from Hell
Could a Google Search Have Helped Prevent the War in Iraq?
US Forces to 'Wall Off Baghdad Streets', Imprisoning Inhabitants
Study Shows Bush, Blair Making World Less Safe
Israeli Fighter Jets Nearly Destroy US Civilian Airliner
On Video: Palestinian as Human Shield
Durante jornada de “Canto y Oración por la Vida” (VIDEO) Presidente Chávez: “Los mártires viven y deben vivir con nosotros siempre”
(VIDEO) Testimonios de la gente durante el golpe de Estado de abril de 2002
(VIDEO) Héroes de Llaguno a 5 años de la defensa de la patria
Por los hechos imputados en la acusación del Ministerio PúblicoTSJ declaró procedente solicitud de extradición de Pedro Carmona Estanga por Rebelión Civil
Reconocimiento popular a las Víctimas y a los Defensores de Puente Llaguno(VIDEO - FOTOVIDEO) Asociación de Víctimas del 11 de Abril realizó acto en Puente Llaguno
(VIDEO) Tal día como hoy: Golpe fascista en Caracas tutelado por la ultraderecha e inspirado por Bush
Testimonios sobre una conspiraciónLos generales Silva y García Carneiro narran el 11 de abril vivido en Fuerte Tiuna
Declaraciones del Embajador Belisario Landis:El Golpe de Estado no debe quedar impune
(VIDEO) Testimonios de la gente durante el golpe de Estado de abril de 2002
(VIDEO) Héroes de Llaguno a 5 años de la defensa de la patria
Por los hechos imputados en la acusación del Ministerio PúblicoTSJ declaró procedente solicitud de extradición de Pedro Carmona Estanga por Rebelión Civil
Reconocimiento popular a las Víctimas y a los Defensores de Puente Llaguno(VIDEO - FOTOVIDEO) Asociación de Víctimas del 11 de Abril realizó acto en Puente Llaguno
(VIDEO) Tal día como hoy: Golpe fascista en Caracas tutelado por la ultraderecha e inspirado por Bush
Testimonios sobre una conspiraciónLos generales Silva y García Carneiro narran el 11 de abril vivido en Fuerte Tiuna
Declaraciones del Embajador Belisario Landis:El Golpe de Estado no debe quedar impune
El profesor de Princenton y marine retirado Coronel Walter Murphy que “ha sido descrito como uno de los más distinguidos catedráticos del derecho constitucional del siglo 20.” Murphy recientemente se ha enterado que su nombre ha aparecido en la lista negra del gobierno que no puede subir a un avión -- quizás porque ha criticado a Bush y a su administración por abusar de la constitución.
Thursday, April 12th, 2007Is Princeton Professor and Retired Marine on Government No-Fly List for Criticizing the White House?Listen to Segment Download Show mp3 Watch 128k stream Watch 256k stream Read Transcript Help Printer-friendly version Email to a friend Purchase Video/CD
Princeton professor and retired Marine Colonel Walter Murphy has been described as one of the “the most distinguished constitutional scholars of the 20th century.” Murphy recently learned his name appears on the government's no-fly list -- perhaps because he has criticized the Bush administration for abusing the constitution. [includes rush transcript]
El profesor de Princenton y marine retirado Coronel Walter Murphy que “ha sido descrito como uno de los más distinguidos catedráticos del derecho constitucional del siglo 20.” Murphy recientemente se ha enterado que su nombre ha aparecido en la lista negra del gobierno que no puede subir a un avión -- quizás porque ha criticado a Bush y a su administración por abusar de la constitución.
Thursday, April 12th, 2007Is Princeton Professor and Retired Marine on Government No-Fly List for Criticizing the White House?Listen to Segment Download Show mp3 Watch 128k stream Watch 256k stream Read Transcript Help Printer-friendly version Email to a friend Purchase Video/CD
Princeton professor and retired Marine Colonel Walter Murphy has been described as one of the “the most distinguished constitutional scholars of the 20th century.” Murphy recently learned his name appears on the government's no-fly list -- perhaps because he has criticized the Bush administration for abusing the constitution. [includes rush transcript]
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
EXCLUSIVA: Dos explosivos libros relatan la historia secreta de los documentos falsificados sobre Irak y Nigeria que sirvieron como pretexto para la guerra
En su discurso sobre el estado de la Unión de Enero de 2003, el presidente Bush pronunció las famosas palabras: “El gobierno británico ha sabido que Saddam Hussein consiguió recientemente cantidades significativas de uranio en África”. El argumento resultaba primordial para los planteamientos del gobierno de que Saddam Hussein estaba intentando desarrollar armas de destrucción masiva, y sirvió como base para comenzar la invasión de Irak menos de dos meses después. La declaración de Bush se basó en un documento de inteligencia que proporcionaba evidencias de la compra de uranio por parte de Irak al país africano de Nigeria. Pero había un problema: el documento era falso. En una entrevista exclusiva de Democracy Now!, hablamos con los respectivos autores de dos explosivos libros sobre el tema. Carlo Bonini es el periodista italiano que reveló la historia de los documentos nigerianos. Su nuevo libro se titula “Conspiración: el espionaje internacional y la guerra contra el terrorismo” (“Collusion: International Espionaje and the War on Terror”). Peter Eisner es un veterano corresponsal internacional y actualmente editor del Washington Post. Su nuevo libro se llama “La carta italiana: cómo fue que la administración Bus usó una carta falsa para dar argumentos a la guerra contra Irak” (“The Italian Letter: How the Bush Administration Used a Fake Letter to Build the Case for War in Iraq”).
To purchase an audio or video copy of this entire program, click here for our new online ordering or call 1 (888) 999-3877.
Tuesday, April 10th, 2007EXCLUSIVE…Two Explosive Books Tell the Inside Story of the Forged Iraq-Niger Docs That Helped Build the Case for WarListen to Segment Download Show mp3 Watch 128k stream Watch 256k stream Read Transcript Help Printer-friendly version Email to a friend Purchase Video/CD
In his January 2003 State of the Union address, President Bush declared the infamous sixteen words: “The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.” The claim was central to the administration’s claims that Saddam Hussein was seeking weapons of mass destruction and served as a basis for launching the Iraq invasion less than two months later. Bush’s declaration was based on an intelligence document that provided evidence about Iraq’s purchase of uranium from the African country of Niger. But there was one problem: the document was a fake. In a Democracy Now! broadcast exclusive, we speak with the authors of two explosive new books. Carlo Bonini is the Italian reporter who broke the Niger story. His new book is called “Collusion: International Espionage and the War on Terror.” Peter Eisner is a veteran foreign correspondent and is currently an editor at the Washington Post. His new book is “The Italian Letter: How the Bush Administration Used a Fake Letter to Build the Case for War in Iraq.” [includes rush transcript]
It was one of the key justifications for the U.S. invasion of Iraq.
President Bush: “The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.”President Bush made the statement in his January 2003 State of the Union. Those sixteen words were central to the administration’s claims that Saddam Hussein was seeking weapons of mass destruction and served as a basis for launching the Iraq invasion less than two months later. Bush’s declaration was based on an intelligence document that provided evidence about Iraq’s purchase of uranium from the African country of Niger. But there was one problem: the document was a fake.
Bush’s smoking gun evidence would quickly unravel and ignite a political firestorm that reached the highest levels of the US government. The story behind the forged document stretches from Italy to Niger to Iraq and deep into the corridors of the US intelligence community and the White House itself. The document played a key role in the chain of events that led to the conviction of Vice President Dick Cheney’s former Chief of Staff, Lewis “Scooter” Libby, in the CIA leak case.
And its effect continues to reverberate today. Congressmember Henry Waxman, the chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, recently formally requested Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to testify before a committee hearing next week regarding the false Iraq-Niger claims.
Today, a Democracy Now! broadcast exclusive: two explosive new books. Carlo Bonini is the Italian reporter who broke the story. His new book is called “Collusion: International Espionage and the War on Terror.” He is an investigative journalist with La Repubblica newspaper of Rome, and he joins us in our firehouse studio. Peter Eisner is a veteran foreign correspondent and is currently an editor at the Washington Post. His new book is “The Italian Letter: How the Bush Administration Used a Fake Letter to Build the Case for War in Iraq.” He joins us from Washington, D.C.
Peter Eisner. Veteran foreign correspondent. He is currently an editor at the Washington Post. He is co-author of “The Italian Letter: How the Bush Administration Used a Fake Letter to Build the Case for War in Iraq.”
Carlo Bonini. Investigative journalist with La Repubblica newspaper of Rome. He is co-author of “Collusion: International Espionage and the War on Terror.”
En su discurso sobre el estado de la Unión de Enero de 2003, el presidente Bush pronunció las famosas palabras: “El gobierno británico ha sabido que Saddam Hussein consiguió recientemente cantidades significativas de uranio en África”. El argumento resultaba primordial para los planteamientos del gobierno de que Saddam Hussein estaba intentando desarrollar armas de destrucción masiva, y sirvió como base para comenzar la invasión de Irak menos de dos meses después. La declaración de Bush se basó en un documento de inteligencia que proporcionaba evidencias de la compra de uranio por parte de Irak al país africano de Nigeria. Pero había un problema: el documento era falso. En una entrevista exclusiva de Democracy Now!, hablamos con los respectivos autores de dos explosivos libros sobre el tema. Carlo Bonini es el periodista italiano que reveló la historia de los documentos nigerianos. Su nuevo libro se titula “Conspiración: el espionaje internacional y la guerra contra el terrorismo” (“Collusion: International Espionaje and the War on Terror”). Peter Eisner es un veterano corresponsal internacional y actualmente editor del Washington Post. Su nuevo libro se llama “La carta italiana: cómo fue que la administración Bus usó una carta falsa para dar argumentos a la guerra contra Irak” (“The Italian Letter: How the Bush Administration Used a Fake Letter to Build the Case for War in Iraq”).
To purchase an audio or video copy of this entire program, click here for our new online ordering or call 1 (888) 999-3877.
Tuesday, April 10th, 2007EXCLUSIVE…Two Explosive Books Tell the Inside Story of the Forged Iraq-Niger Docs That Helped Build the Case for WarListen to Segment Download Show mp3 Watch 128k stream Watch 256k stream Read Transcript Help Printer-friendly version Email to a friend Purchase Video/CD
In his January 2003 State of the Union address, President Bush declared the infamous sixteen words: “The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.” The claim was central to the administration’s claims that Saddam Hussein was seeking weapons of mass destruction and served as a basis for launching the Iraq invasion less than two months later. Bush’s declaration was based on an intelligence document that provided evidence about Iraq’s purchase of uranium from the African country of Niger. But there was one problem: the document was a fake. In a Democracy Now! broadcast exclusive, we speak with the authors of two explosive new books. Carlo Bonini is the Italian reporter who broke the Niger story. His new book is called “Collusion: International Espionage and the War on Terror.” Peter Eisner is a veteran foreign correspondent and is currently an editor at the Washington Post. His new book is “The Italian Letter: How the Bush Administration Used a Fake Letter to Build the Case for War in Iraq.” [includes rush transcript]
It was one of the key justifications for the U.S. invasion of Iraq.
President Bush: “The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.”President Bush made the statement in his January 2003 State of the Union. Those sixteen words were central to the administration’s claims that Saddam Hussein was seeking weapons of mass destruction and served as a basis for launching the Iraq invasion less than two months later. Bush’s declaration was based on an intelligence document that provided evidence about Iraq’s purchase of uranium from the African country of Niger. But there was one problem: the document was a fake.
Bush’s smoking gun evidence would quickly unravel and ignite a political firestorm that reached the highest levels of the US government. The story behind the forged document stretches from Italy to Niger to Iraq and deep into the corridors of the US intelligence community and the White House itself. The document played a key role in the chain of events that led to the conviction of Vice President Dick Cheney’s former Chief of Staff, Lewis “Scooter” Libby, in the CIA leak case.
And its effect continues to reverberate today. Congressmember Henry Waxman, the chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, recently formally requested Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to testify before a committee hearing next week regarding the false Iraq-Niger claims.
Today, a Democracy Now! broadcast exclusive: two explosive new books. Carlo Bonini is the Italian reporter who broke the story. His new book is called “Collusion: International Espionage and the War on Terror.” He is an investigative journalist with La Repubblica newspaper of Rome, and he joins us in our firehouse studio. Peter Eisner is a veteran foreign correspondent and is currently an editor at the Washington Post. His new book is “The Italian Letter: How the Bush Administration Used a Fake Letter to Build the Case for War in Iraq.” He joins us from Washington, D.C.
Peter Eisner. Veteran foreign correspondent. He is currently an editor at the Washington Post. He is co-author of “The Italian Letter: How the Bush Administration Used a Fake Letter to Build the Case for War in Iraq.”
Carlo Bonini. Investigative journalist with La Repubblica newspaper of Rome. He is co-author of “Collusion: International Espionage and the War on Terror.”
Monday, April 09, 2007
Colombia: Comunicado de las FARC-EP
Reconocer a la guerrilla colombiana como fuerza beligerante2 de Abril de 2007 -
El secuestro del integrante de la Comisión Internacional de las FARC-EP, Rodrigo Granda, tiene que marcar un antes y un después en la concepción política de la izquierda. No basta con la condena, más o menos firme, y el rechazo de una acción que recuerda lo acontecido con el Plan Cóndor en los años 70, sino que obliga, ineludiblemente, a dar un... Más
El secuestro del integrante de la Comisión Internacional de las FARC-EP, Rodrigo Granda, tiene que marcar un antes y un después en la concepción política de la izquierda. No basta con la condena, más o menos firme, y el rechazo de una acción que recuerda lo acontecido con el Plan Cóndor en los años 70, sino que obliga, ineludiblemente, a dar un... Más
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Pentagon: No Telling When 'Surge' Will End
US Air Strike Kills Six, Including Women and Children
Iraq Says British Raid Was a Violation
Kurdish President: US Sought Other Iranians in Raid
US Protects Iranian Opposition Group in Iraq
Friday: 112 Iraqis, 2 GIs Killed; 80 Iraqis Wounded
Saturday: 1 GI, 15 Iraqis Killed; 30 Iraqis Wounded
Pentagon Debunks Prewar Iraq-al-Qaeda Link
Analysts: Bush Exaggerating Threat of Enemy Forces on US Mainland
Cheney Insists Saddam Worked With al-Qaeda
Pentagon Probe Fills in Blanks on Iraq War Groundwork
All Sides Deny Deal Freed Britons
British Navy Suspends Boarding Operations in Northern Gulf
UK Sailors Were Threatened With Seven Years in Jail
Hostage Drama May Embolden Iran’s Hawks
US Revs Up Pressure on Iran After Release of Britons
Karzai Says He Met With Taliban, They Deny It
Taliban Seize Southern Afghan District
Afghan President Suspects Foreign Hand Behind Rival Party
Gonzales Aide in Firings Controversy Resigns
US Air Strike Kills Six, Including Women and Children
Iraq Says British Raid Was a Violation
Kurdish President: US Sought Other Iranians in Raid
US Protects Iranian Opposition Group in Iraq
Friday: 112 Iraqis, 2 GIs Killed; 80 Iraqis Wounded
Saturday: 1 GI, 15 Iraqis Killed; 30 Iraqis Wounded
Pentagon Debunks Prewar Iraq-al-Qaeda Link
Analysts: Bush Exaggerating Threat of Enemy Forces on US Mainland
Cheney Insists Saddam Worked With al-Qaeda
Pentagon Probe Fills in Blanks on Iraq War Groundwork
All Sides Deny Deal Freed Britons
British Navy Suspends Boarding Operations in Northern Gulf
UK Sailors Were Threatened With Seven Years in Jail
Hostage Drama May Embolden Iran’s Hawks
US Revs Up Pressure on Iran After Release of Britons
Karzai Says He Met With Taliban, They Deny It
Taliban Seize Southern Afghan District
Afghan President Suspects Foreign Hand Behind Rival Party
Gonzales Aide in Firings Controversy Resigns
El gobierno de los Estados Unidos estan en manos de criminales.
El gobierno peruano esta en manos de Alan Garcia Perez.
El gobierno de Alan Garcia Perez es aliado del gobierno estadounidense.
El gobierno peruano de Alan Garcia Perez, es criminal
El gobierno de los Estados Unidos estan en manos de criminales.
El gobierno peruano esta en manos de Alan Garcia Perez.
El gobierno de Alan Garcia Perez es aliado del gobierno estadounidense.
El gobierno peruano de Alan Garcia Perez, es criminal
Todos los artículos son de libre publicación citando la fuente
ECUADOR: ¡ACABEMOS CON LA CONSPIRACIÓN! ¡GRAN MARCHA POPULAR ¡PAIS POR EL SÍ!Por Alianza País, Venezuela y Secretaria de Organización del Congreso Bolivariano de los Pueblos.
ECUADOR:¡ACABEMOS CON LA CONSPIRACIÓN! ¡GRAN MARCHA POPULAR ¡PAIS POR EL SÍ!!!Por Alianza País, Venezuela y Secretaria de Organización del Congreso Bolivariano de los Pueblos. ALIANZA PAIS VENEZUELA Y EL CONGRESO BOLIVARIANO DE LOS PUEBLOS CAPITULO ECUADOR, LLAMAN A RESPALDAR MASIVAMENTE AL PRESIDENTE RAFAEL CORREA, LA CONSULTA POPULAR Y ASAMBLEA CONSTITUYENTE "Vamos a las calles a marchar, a demostrarle a los medios de comunicación vendidos a grupos de poder, a las mafias políticas defenestradas por el Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE) que no hay punto de retorno, que no vamos a soportar más abusos, pero en forma pacífica" Este es el llamado que el Presidente de la República ha hecho al pueblo.Los ecuatorianos residentes en Venezuela que integramos Alianza PAIS Venezuela y el Congreso Bolivariano de los Pueblos Capítulo Ecuador, nos sumamos y apoyamos este pronunciamiento, lo asumimos en términos de la unidad que necesitan el pueblo y la Patria para defender la voluntad popular expresada en las urnas el 26 de noviembre de 2006.
El Presidente de la República debe contar con el respaldo y la movilización nacional de todas las fuerzas populares del Ecuador, y de sus emigrantes que aman su país, que defienden su soberanía e independencia nacional, que luchan por su integridad y su derecho a construir un nuevo Estado de Derecho y Justicia.
La mafia política y vendepatria, la partidocracia neoliberal y los corruptos, deben resolver el conflicto en las urnas. Su negativa al cambio deben expresarlo con el voto en la consulta popular del 15 de abril, dejando de lado la conspiración y sus maniobras. Esta semana se vivirá en el país una jornada histórica, patriótica, plena de democracia y libertad. La fuerza de las ideas, la justicia del programa popular y el pueblo en tarea colectiva derrotarán la felonía y la conspiración.
Llamamos a la más amplia unidad del pueblo, a las Organizaciones sociales, a los movimientos democráticos, a mantenernos en pie de lucha, a salir a las calles a impedir que el Congreso opositor de derecha dirigido por Noboa y Gutiérrez boicotee la Consulta Popular que convocará la instalación de una Asamblea Constituyente de Plenos Poderes para refundar la Patria.
Planteamos una Constitución originaria que refunde el país y construya la Patria para todos los ecuatorianos, que recupere para el pueblo todas las soberanías, el poder político y el poder económico. Esto es que los recursos naturales y la biodiversidad sirvan para el desarrollo de los pueblos y que la economía esté al servicio del pueblo y no sea método para explotarlo.
Rechazamos la maniobra y conspiración mediática de los medios de comunicación nacionales cómo internacionales vendidos a los grupos de poder y a la coalición de derecha ecuatoriana que empezaron a calificar de “dictador” al Presidente Constitucional del Ecuador. Cuando el propio Presidente de la República, Rafael Correa, dijo: “Ojala que se principalicen los diputados suplentes, empiece a funcionar el Congreso y con una mayoría opositora, pero una mayoría opositora racional, razonable, que se ciña a la Constitución y a las leyes, que no trate de imponer su voluntad ilegalmente, porque aquí no vamos a aceptar dictaduras de ninguna especie”
Respaldamos a las bases del Movimiento Alianza PAIS en Ecuador que tanto en Guayaquil cómo en Quito han convocado mañana jueves 15 a una concentración y marcha popular “PAIS por el Sí” a partir de las 4 de la tarde. El Gobierno del presidente Correa, junto al pueblo ecuatoriano, impedirá que unos cuantos mafiosos políticos dirigidos desde Miami por el “opresor bananero” y su lugarteniente “el coronelito” vayan contra la voluntad popular. La coalición de derecha en el Congreso tiene una actitud antihistórica, antipatria y anticiudadana, tenemos que impedir la maniobra de la pérdida de tiempo, porque la consulta convocada para el 15 de abril es irreversible.El Parlamento no tiene facultad de detener la Consulta Popular porque hay un proceso electoral en marcha y sería una intromisión descarada en los asuntos del Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE), que convocó la consulta, así cómo una violación a la Constitución y la Ley electoral.¡NO LO PUEDEN HACER Y EL PUEBLO EN LAS CALLES NO SE LO PERMITIREMOS! ¡LA ASAMBLEA CONSTITUYENTE ES LA OPORTUNIDAD DE CAMBIAR AL ECUADOR, PACÍFICA Y DEMOCRÁTICAMENTE! ¡CON CORREA: TODAS, TODOS, A LAS CALLES A DEFENDER LA CONSTITUYENTE! ¡PAIS POR EL SÍ! ¡VAMOS A CONSULTA POPULAR!
Alianza PAIS VenezuelaCongreso Bolivariano de los Pueblos Capítulo Ecuador.Secretaría de Organización del Congreso Bolivariano de los Pueblos Caracas, 14 de marzo de 2007
ECUADOR: ¡ACABEMOS CON LA CONSPIRACIÓN! ¡GRAN MARCHA POPULAR ¡PAIS POR EL SÍ!Por Alianza País, Venezuela y Secretaria de Organización del Congreso Bolivariano de los Pueblos.
ECUADOR:¡ACABEMOS CON LA CONSPIRACIÓN! ¡GRAN MARCHA POPULAR ¡PAIS POR EL SÍ!!!Por Alianza País, Venezuela y Secretaria de Organización del Congreso Bolivariano de los Pueblos. ALIANZA PAIS VENEZUELA Y EL CONGRESO BOLIVARIANO DE LOS PUEBLOS CAPITULO ECUADOR, LLAMAN A RESPALDAR MASIVAMENTE AL PRESIDENTE RAFAEL CORREA, LA CONSULTA POPULAR Y ASAMBLEA CONSTITUYENTE "Vamos a las calles a marchar, a demostrarle a los medios de comunicación vendidos a grupos de poder, a las mafias políticas defenestradas por el Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE) que no hay punto de retorno, que no vamos a soportar más abusos, pero en forma pacífica" Este es el llamado que el Presidente de la República ha hecho al pueblo.Los ecuatorianos residentes en Venezuela que integramos Alianza PAIS Venezuela y el Congreso Bolivariano de los Pueblos Capítulo Ecuador, nos sumamos y apoyamos este pronunciamiento, lo asumimos en términos de la unidad que necesitan el pueblo y la Patria para defender la voluntad popular expresada en las urnas el 26 de noviembre de 2006.
El Presidente de la República debe contar con el respaldo y la movilización nacional de todas las fuerzas populares del Ecuador, y de sus emigrantes que aman su país, que defienden su soberanía e independencia nacional, que luchan por su integridad y su derecho a construir un nuevo Estado de Derecho y Justicia.
La mafia política y vendepatria, la partidocracia neoliberal y los corruptos, deben resolver el conflicto en las urnas. Su negativa al cambio deben expresarlo con el voto en la consulta popular del 15 de abril, dejando de lado la conspiración y sus maniobras. Esta semana se vivirá en el país una jornada histórica, patriótica, plena de democracia y libertad. La fuerza de las ideas, la justicia del programa popular y el pueblo en tarea colectiva derrotarán la felonía y la conspiración.
Llamamos a la más amplia unidad del pueblo, a las Organizaciones sociales, a los movimientos democráticos, a mantenernos en pie de lucha, a salir a las calles a impedir que el Congreso opositor de derecha dirigido por Noboa y Gutiérrez boicotee la Consulta Popular que convocará la instalación de una Asamblea Constituyente de Plenos Poderes para refundar la Patria.
Planteamos una Constitución originaria que refunde el país y construya la Patria para todos los ecuatorianos, que recupere para el pueblo todas las soberanías, el poder político y el poder económico. Esto es que los recursos naturales y la biodiversidad sirvan para el desarrollo de los pueblos y que la economía esté al servicio del pueblo y no sea método para explotarlo.
Rechazamos la maniobra y conspiración mediática de los medios de comunicación nacionales cómo internacionales vendidos a los grupos de poder y a la coalición de derecha ecuatoriana que empezaron a calificar de “dictador” al Presidente Constitucional del Ecuador. Cuando el propio Presidente de la República, Rafael Correa, dijo: “Ojala que se principalicen los diputados suplentes, empiece a funcionar el Congreso y con una mayoría opositora, pero una mayoría opositora racional, razonable, que se ciña a la Constitución y a las leyes, que no trate de imponer su voluntad ilegalmente, porque aquí no vamos a aceptar dictaduras de ninguna especie”
Respaldamos a las bases del Movimiento Alianza PAIS en Ecuador que tanto en Guayaquil cómo en Quito han convocado mañana jueves 15 a una concentración y marcha popular “PAIS por el Sí” a partir de las 4 de la tarde. El Gobierno del presidente Correa, junto al pueblo ecuatoriano, impedirá que unos cuantos mafiosos políticos dirigidos desde Miami por el “opresor bananero” y su lugarteniente “el coronelito” vayan contra la voluntad popular. La coalición de derecha en el Congreso tiene una actitud antihistórica, antipatria y anticiudadana, tenemos que impedir la maniobra de la pérdida de tiempo, porque la consulta convocada para el 15 de abril es irreversible.El Parlamento no tiene facultad de detener la Consulta Popular porque hay un proceso electoral en marcha y sería una intromisión descarada en los asuntos del Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE), que convocó la consulta, así cómo una violación a la Constitución y la Ley electoral.¡NO LO PUEDEN HACER Y EL PUEBLO EN LAS CALLES NO SE LO PERMITIREMOS! ¡LA ASAMBLEA CONSTITUYENTE ES LA OPORTUNIDAD DE CAMBIAR AL ECUADOR, PACÍFICA Y DEMOCRÁTICAMENTE! ¡CON CORREA: TODAS, TODOS, A LAS CALLES A DEFENDER LA CONSTITUYENTE! ¡PAIS POR EL SÍ! ¡VAMOS A CONSULTA POPULAR!
Alianza PAIS VenezuelaCongreso Bolivariano de los Pueblos Capítulo Ecuador.Secretaría de Organización del Congreso Bolivariano de los Pueblos Caracas, 14 de marzo de 2007
El fotógrafo de guerra Chris Hondros es testigo del tiroteo de soldados estadounidenses contra un coche en el que iban una pareja iraquí y sus seis hijos Conversamos con el reportero gráfico nominado al premio Pulitzer, Chris Hondros. Hondros es más conocido por las muy gráficas fotografías que tomó en la ciudad iraquí de Tal Afar en 2005, cuando las tropas estadounidenses abrieron fuego sobre una familia de ocho miembros que se acercaba con su coche a un puesto de control. Ambos padres fueron asesinados mientras los seis hijos observaban todo desde el asiento trasero.
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Thursday, April 5th, 2007War Photographer Chris Hondros Witnesses U.S. Shooting of Iraqi Parents in Car With Six ChildrenListen to Segment Download Show mp3 Watch 128k stream Watch 256k stream Read Transcript Help Printer-friendly version Email to a friend Purchase Video/CD
We speak with Pulitzer Prize-nominated photojournalist Chris Hondros. He is best known for graphic photographs he took in the northwestern Iraqi city of Tal Afar in 2005 when U.S. troops opened fire on a family of eight approaching a checkpoint in a car. Both parents were killed while the six children in the backseat looked on. [includes rush transcript]
We speak with Pulitzer Prize-nominated photojournalist Chris Hondros. He has worked in most of the world's major conflict zones since the late 1990s, including Kosovo, Angola, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan, Kashmir, the West Bank, Iraq, Lebanon, and Liberia. Chris's work has appeared on the covers of major magazines and on the front pages of most major American newspapers.
Chris is a staff photographer for the international photo agency Getty Images. He has just returned from his ninth stint in Iraq, which he chronicled at his blog on GettyImages.com. He joins us today in our firehouse studio.
Chris Hondros, staff photographer for the international photo agency Getty Images. Note: Images courtesy of Chris Hondros/Getty Images.
Visit Getty Images.
Chris Hondros' Website
To purchase an audio or video copy of this entire program, click here for our new online ordering or call 1 (888) 999-3877.
Thursday, April 5th, 2007War Photographer Chris Hondros Witnesses U.S. Shooting of Iraqi Parents in Car With Six ChildrenListen to Segment Download Show mp3 Watch 128k stream Watch 256k stream Read Transcript Help Printer-friendly version Email to a friend Purchase Video/CD
We speak with Pulitzer Prize-nominated photojournalist Chris Hondros. He is best known for graphic photographs he took in the northwestern Iraqi city of Tal Afar in 2005 when U.S. troops opened fire on a family of eight approaching a checkpoint in a car. Both parents were killed while the six children in the backseat looked on. [includes rush transcript]
We speak with Pulitzer Prize-nominated photojournalist Chris Hondros. He has worked in most of the world's major conflict zones since the late 1990s, including Kosovo, Angola, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan, Kashmir, the West Bank, Iraq, Lebanon, and Liberia. Chris's work has appeared on the covers of major magazines and on the front pages of most major American newspapers.
Chris is a staff photographer for the international photo agency Getty Images. He has just returned from his ninth stint in Iraq, which he chronicled at his blog on GettyImages.com. He joins us today in our firehouse studio.
Chris Hondros, staff photographer for the international photo agency Getty Images. Note: Images courtesy of Chris Hondros/Getty Images.
Visit Getty Images.
Chris Hondros' Website
FBI illegally interrogated anti-war activists
Washington Post article reveals flagrant civil liberties violationsDefend free speech rights!
*Please forward this email widely*
We encourage everyone to read and circulate this email that features a Washington Post story from April 3, 2007. The article reports on information uncovered from a lawsuit filed by the Partnership for Civil Justice (PCJ) in defense of anti-war protesters who were arrested in Washington DC on April 20, 2002 and then illegally interrogated by an FBI Intelligence Unit. The ANSWER Coalition had organized a mass demonstration of over 100,000 people that day in support of the Palestinian people. Those arrested were simply participating in a mass assembly protest and were detained and interrogated by the FBI when they went back to the parking garage where their vehicles were parked. The demonstrators were young and "dressed in black" which made them the target of this now exposed FBI secret police tactic.
The Partnership for Civil Justice is a member group of the ANSWER Coalition Steering Committee. PCJ attorneys have filed a number of groundbreaking legal actions on behalf of wrongfully arrested demonstrators, in support of the right to use Central Park for mass assembly protests in New York City, the right of anti-war protestors to demonstrate along the parade route at the Inauguration of George W. Bush, and in a host of other major Free Speech battles. To get more information and regular email updates about this and other legal actions in defense of the Bill of Rights you can go to http://www.justiceonline.org/ and sign up for email updates. Only the aggressive action of the people, in the courts and in the streets, can serve as defense against the repressive actions of the government.
FBI illegally interrogated anti-war activists
Washington Post article reveals flagrant civil liberties violationsDefend free speech rights!
*Please forward this email widely*
We encourage everyone to read and circulate this email that features a Washington Post story from April 3, 2007. The article reports on information uncovered from a lawsuit filed by the Partnership for Civil Justice (PCJ) in defense of anti-war protesters who were arrested in Washington DC on April 20, 2002 and then illegally interrogated by an FBI Intelligence Unit. The ANSWER Coalition had organized a mass demonstration of over 100,000 people that day in support of the Palestinian people. Those arrested were simply participating in a mass assembly protest and were detained and interrogated by the FBI when they went back to the parking garage where their vehicles were parked. The demonstrators were young and "dressed in black" which made them the target of this now exposed FBI secret police tactic.
The Partnership for Civil Justice is a member group of the ANSWER Coalition Steering Committee. PCJ attorneys have filed a number of groundbreaking legal actions on behalf of wrongfully arrested demonstrators, in support of the right to use Central Park for mass assembly protests in New York City, the right of anti-war protestors to demonstrate along the parade route at the Inauguration of George W. Bush, and in a host of other major Free Speech battles. To get more information and regular email updates about this and other legal actions in defense of the Bill of Rights you can go to http://www.justiceonline.org/ and sign up for email updates. Only the aggressive action of the people, in the courts and in the streets, can serve as defense against the repressive actions of the government.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Tres ex militares sudamericanos sospechosos de crímenes de Guerra han sido arrestados por agentes de inmigración de los Estados Unidos REUTERS dijo este martes.
Los sospechosos incluyen a Ernesto Guillermo Barreiro, un militar retirado quien es acusado por las autoridades argentinas de asesinato y tortura de varias personas en la llamada GUERRA SUCIA de 1976 a 1983, la declaración dijo. El fue arrestado en THE PLAINS, VA. Arrestados en Baltimore y Miami fueron 2 exmilitares peruanos acusados de asesinatos en 1985 en la masacre de ACCOMARCA.
Los tres han sido acusados por la violación de las leyes de inmigración.
Tres ex militares sudamericanos sospechosos de crímenes de Guerra han sido arrestados por agentes de inmigración de los Estados Unidos REUTERS dijo este martes.
Los sospechosos incluyen a Ernesto Guillermo Barreiro, un militar retirado quien es acusado por las autoridades argentinas de asesinato y tortura de varias personas en la llamada GUERRA SUCIA de 1976 a 1983, la declaración dijo. El fue arrestado en THE PLAINS, VA. Arrestados en Baltimore y Miami fueron 2 exmilitares peruanos acusados de asesinatos en 1985 en la masacre de ACCOMARCA.
Los tres han sido acusados por la violación de las leyes de inmigración.
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