Friday, March 30, 2007


Reflexiones del Comandante en Jefe Condenados a muerte prematura por hambre y sed más de 3 mil millones de personas en el mundo

¿Quien es el “Miserable” Gonzáles?

¿Quien es el “Miserable” Gonzáles?

El “Miserable” Alberto Gonzáles, es el actual Fiscal General de Estados Unidos. González fue designado como Fiscal General de la nación, después de haber sido consejero de George W. Bush cuando este fue gobernador del estado de Texas.

Gonzáles, de origen humilde de inmigrantes mexicanos, logro graduarse de abogado, lo que resulto en un cambio total de su conducta, convirtiéndose en una alimaña desde que se junto con la mafia republicana de George W. Bush.

Amy Goodman, conductora del programa Democracynow
Michael Ratner, presidente del Centro de Derechos Constitucionales de EE.UU.

AMY GOODMAN: ¿Michael Ratner, Alberto Gonzáles, despidió fiscales y el debe renunciar o ser despedido?
MICHAEL RATNER: Yo siento, y lo he dicho muchas veces que Gonzáles tiene sus manos ensangrentadas con las conspiraciones para torturar. El es el que dijo que no debemos obedecer lo que dice la Convención de Ginebra. El es uno de los aparentemente aprobó varias técnicas de interrogación. El es el que dijo que el presidente puede torturar en nombre de la seguridad nacional. Este es el hombre que es el Fiscal de la Nación. Si, lo están presionando como el abogado del escándalo, el Fiscal del escándalo. Pero este sujeto esta envuelto tremendamente en violaciones fundamentales de los derechos en este país. El no solo debería renunciar. Nosotros hemos tratado encausarlo en investigación criminal en Alemania, en el caso de Rumsfeld. Eso es lo que debería pasar a un individuo como el. El debe ser detenido por su papel en el programa de torturas en los Estados Unidos.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Blair: Britain Won't Negotiate With Iran

Iran Suspends Release of Female UK Sailor

Briton Admits to Trespass on Video Shown by Iran

Iran: Britain Must Admit Navy Trespassed

US Says Not Escalating Tension With Iran

Russian Intelligence Sees US Military Buildup on Iran Border
Senate Passes War Funds With Pullout

US: No Decision to Cut Troop Levels Before Fall

Increase May Mean Longer Army Tours

Bush to Hold Democrats 'Responsible' on Holding Up War Funds

Showdown Looms Over Iraq Withdrawal

Senate's Bold Proposal for Iraq: Protect the Dem/GOP Conventions
Iraq Admits Police Massacred Sunni Arabs

Deal to Aid Iraq's Ex-Ba'athists Imperiled

Militants Attack Iraqi, US Forces With Chlorine Bombs

Thursday: 136 Iraqis Killed; 191 Wounded

Wednesday: 166 Iraqis, 2 GIs Killed; 146 Iraqis Wounded
Pentagon Expands Capability to Attack Websites
Aide: Gonzales Wrongly Denied Involvement in Firings


(VIDEO) Fiscal General: "no existe conflicto de poderes entre TSJ y AN"
A través del tercer motor constituyente Moral y Luces Misión Cultura: “hay que entregarle el poder al pueblo”
Jornada antiimperialista se realizará este viernes en las plazas Bolívar del país
Hugo Chávez con opinión favorable entre los argentinos
Fidel Castro fustiga la idea de convertir alimentos en combustibles
Cuba denuncia en la ONU plan anexionista de Estados Unidos
Presidente del Parlamento Indígena niega el acceso a los pueblos originarios del País
Solicitan reunión con ministros del Trabajo y de Energía y PetróleoDirigentes sindicales petroleros de base, exigen se les incorpore a negociación del contrato colectivo

Tuesday, March 27, 2007



El ciudadano Australiano David Hicks se ha convertido en el primer prisionero de Guantánamo en declararse culpable ante el Acta Comisión Militar pasada el año pasado. Hicks se declaro culpable el lunes como parte de un acuerdo con los fiscales militares. Hicks ha estado detenido en la Bahía de Guantánamo por los pasados 5 años. Hablamos con Michael Ratner, presidente del Centro Constitucional de Derechos.

Tuesday, March 27th, 2007David Hicks Becomes First Guantanamo Prisoner to Plead GuiltyListen to
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The Australian citizen David Hicks has become the first Guantanamo prisoner to plead guilty under the Military Commissions Act passed last year. Hicks entered the guilty plea Monday as part of a deal with military prosecutors. Hicks has been held at Guantanamo Bay for the past five years. We speak with Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights. [rush transcript included]
The U.S. government had originally accused Hicks of conspiracy to commit murder, conspiracy to engage in acts of terrorism, attempted murder and aiding the enemy but only ended up charging him with a single crime -- providing material support for terrorism. Pentagon officials say Hicks will likely serve his sentence in Australia.
Hicks has said he was sodomized, beaten, and subjected to forced injections while in U.S. custody. The military denies the allegations.
Hicks appeared in the courtroom wearing khaki prison fatigues and with hair down to his chest - grown, his lawyer said, to pull over his eyes at night to keep out the light and allow him to get to sleep.
Before the hearing, Hicks was allowed a two-hour reunion with his father and sister.
As the proceedings got under way, Hicks was formally charged and initially deferred entering a plea. But later on his lawyers told the judge he was pleading guilty.
Air Force colonel Moe Davis, chief prosecutor for the tribunals.
Hicks' guilty plea came after a military judge barred two of Hicks' lawyers from the court proceedings. One of the attorneys had refused to sign a document pledging to follow court rules that hadn't been defined. Legal observers are criticizing the decision.
Michael Ratner, president of the
Center for Constitutional Rights which has represented dozens of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. He is author of the book, "Guantanamo: What the World Should Know." He joins me now in the firehouse studio.


Washington: El Comando Central Estadounidense estimo que solo 5,000 soldados invasores estarían en Irak para Diciembre del 2006
here for a larger version of this slide. Click here to view Tab K in its entirety.)

Monday, March 26, 2007


Separate Clashes Kill 42 Taliban in Afghanistan
Afghan Hearts and Minds Yet to Be Won
Australia to Boost Troops to Afghanistan: Minister
Ninety Percent of British Heroin Is From Afghanistan, Says UK Attorney General



El Departamento de Policía de la ciudad de Nueva York condujo una extensa campaña nacional e internacional de espionaje contra los que protestaron la Convención Nacional Republicana en el 2004. El domingo, el periódico The New York Times reporto que equipos de policías encubiertos fueron enviados por todo el país, a Canadá y a Europa para espionar a grupos de individuos que planeaban tomar parte en las protestas de Nueva York. Hablamos con Jim Dwyer, reportero del New York Times quien inicio la historia.

Monday, March 26th, 2007Report: NYPD Conducted Extensive National, International Spy Campaign on Protesters Before GOP ConventionListen to Segment Download Show mp3 Watch 128k stream Watch 256k stream Read Transcript Help Printer-friendly version Email to a friend Purchase Video/CD
The New York City Police Department carried out an extensive national and international spying operation on protesters leading up to the Republican National Convention in 2004. On Sunday, the New York Times reported teams of undercover officers were sent across the nation, to Canada and to Europe to spy on groups and individuals planning to take part in the protests in New York. We speak with Jim Dwyer, the New York Times reporter who broke the story. [rush transcript included]
The officers were part of what was called the "RNC Intelligence Squad." Squad members posed as activists and filed daily intelligence reports on their activities. Some of the targets included street theater companies, church groups, antiwar organizations, environmentalists, musical artists and death penalty opponents. The intelligence was shared with police departments nation-wide.
We are joined by the New York Times journalist who broke the story.
Jim Dwyer, New York Times Metro reporter.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Las raices del terror en el Medio Oriente


Después que Irán nacionalizo su industria petrolera en 1951 el Primer Ministro Iraní Mohammad Mossadegh fue derrocado por un golpe de estado orquestado por la CIA y el Servicio Británico de inteligencia. Nosotros hablamos con Stephen Kinzer autor de ALL THE SHAH’S MEN: AN AMERICAN COUP AND THE ROOTS OF MIDDLE EAST TERROR(Todos los hombres del Shah: UN GOLPE DE ESTADO ESTADOUNIDENSE Y LAS RAICES DEL TERROR EN EL MEDIO ORIENTE Y el Catedrático de Baruch College Ervand Abrahamian.

Monday, August 25th, 200350 Years After the CIA’s First Overthrow of a Democratically Elected Foreign Government We Take a Look at the 1953 US Backed Coup in IranListen to
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After nationalizing the oil industry Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh was overthrown in a coup orchestrated by the CIA and British intelligence. We speak with Stephen Kinzer author of All the Shah’s Men: An American Coup And The Roots of Middle East Terror and Baruch College professor Ervand Abrahamian. [Includes transcript]
Click here to read to full transcript
This month marks the 50th anniversary of America’s first overthrow of a democratically-elected government in the Middle East.
In 1953, the CIA and British intelligence orchestrated a coup d’etat that toppled the democratically elected government of Iran. The government of Mohammad Mossadegh. The aftershocks of the coup are still being felt.
In 1951 Prime Minister Mossadegh roused Britain's ire when he nationalized the oil industry. Mossadegh argued that Iran should begin profiting from its vast oil reserves which had been exclusively controlled by the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. The company later became known as British Petroleum (BP).
After considering military action, Britain opted for a coup d'état. President Harry Truman rejected the idea, but when Dwight Eisenhower took over the White House, he ordered the CIA to embark on one of its first covert operations against a foreign government.
The coup was led by an agent named Kermit Roosevelt, the grandson of President Theodore Roosevelt. The CIA leaned on a young, insecure Shah to issue a decree dismissing Mossadegh as prime minister. Kermit Roosevelt had help from Norman Schwarzkopf’s father: Norman Schwarzkopf.
The CIA and the British helped to undermine Mossadegh's government through bribery, libel, and orchestrated riots. Agents posing as communists threatened religious leaders, while the US ambassador lied to the prime minister about alleged attacks on American nationals.
Some 300 people died in firefights in the streets of Tehran.
Mossadegh was overthrown, sentenced to three years in prison followed by house arrest for life.
The crushing of Iran's first democratic government ushered in more than two decades of dictatorship under the Shah, who relied heavily on US aid and arms. The anti-American backlash that toppled the Shah in 1979 shook the whole region and helped spread Islamic militancy.
After the 1979 revolution President Jimmy Carter allowed the deposed Shah into the U.S. Fearing the Shah would be sent back to take over Iran as he had been in 1953, Iranian militants took over the U.S. embassy - where the 1953 coup was staged - and held hundreds hostage.
The 50th anniversary of the coup was front-page news in Iranian newspapers. The Christian Science Monitor reports one paper in Iran publishing excerpts from CIA documents on the coup, which were released only three years ago.
The U.S. involvement in the fall of Mossadegh was not publicly acknowledged until three years ago. In a New York Times article in March 2000, then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright admitted that "the coup was clearly a setback for Iran's political development. And it is easy to see now why many Iranians continue to resent this intervention by America in their internal affairs."
In his book All the Shah’s Men, Kinzer argues that "[i]t is not far-fetched to draw a line from Operation Ajax [the name of the coup] through the Shah's repressive regime and the Islamic Revolution to the fireballs that engulfed the World Trade Center in New York."
Stephen Kinzer, author All the Shah’s Men, An American Coup And The Roots of Middle East Terror
Prof. Ervand Abrahamian, Middle East and Iran Expert at Baruch College, City University of New York . Author of numerous book including Khomeinism: Essays on the Islamic Republic (University of California Press, 1993).

Friday, March 23, 2007



La compañía Chiquita Banana Fruit Company con base en Cincinnati admitió haber pagado al grupo para militar colombiano las Defensas Unidas que es considerada por el gobierno estadounidense una organización terrorista. Chiquita estuvo de acuerdo en pagar $25 millones de multa bajo la condición de no revelar los nombres de los ejecutivos envueltos en el caso. Chiquita dice que fue victima de extorsión que amenazaba a sus empleados. Pero el Fiscal General colombiano ha dicho que pedirá la extradición 8 empleados de Chiquita en lo que el llama “una relación criminal”.

Friday, March 23rd, 2007Chiquita Admits to Paying Colombian Paramilitary Group on U.S. Terror ListListen to Segment Download Show mp3 Watch 128k stream Watch 256k stream Read Transcript Help Printer-friendly version Email to a friend Purchase Video/CD
The Cincinnati-based fruit company Chiquita has admitted to paying off the group United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia which is considered a terrorist organization by the U.S. government. Chiquita has agreed to a $25 million fine on the condition that it doesn't have to reveal the names of the executives involved. Chiquita says it fell victim to an extortion racket that threatened its employees. But Colombia's attorney general has said he will seek the extradition of eight Chiquita employees over what he calls "a criminal relationship." [rush transcript included]
The Cincinnati-based fruit company Chiquita has found itself at the center of another major controversy over its practices in Latin America. On Monday Chiquita admitted it had paid off the group AUC, the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia which is considered a terrorist organization by the U.S. government. Chiquita has agreed to pay the U.S. government a fine of $25 million dollars on the condition that it doesn't have to reveal the names of the executives involved. The $25 million dollar penalty comes out to around half of what Chiquita received from selling its Colombian subsidiary in 2004. Chiquita has defended the payments, saying it fell victim to an extortion racket that threatened its employees.
James Thompson: "The payments made by the company at all times were motivated by the company's good faith and desire and concern for the safety of all of its employees. Nevertheless, we recognize the obligation to disclose the facts and circumstances of this admittedly difficult situation to the United States government and the Department of Justice."Colombian authorities have taken a different view. Colombia's attorney general has said he will seek the extradition of eight Chiquita employees allegedly involved in making the payments. The attorney general, Mario Iguaran said: "The relationship was not one of the extortionist and the extorted but a criminal relationship... When you pay a group like this you are conscious of what they are doing."
Colombian prosecutors have also accused Chiquita of providing arms to the right-wing paramilitary groups that were then used to push leftist rebels out of an area in northern Colombia where Chiquita had its banana plantations.
This is not the first time Chiquita has been accused of criminal activity in Colombia and Latin America -- and for more on this story we are joined by three guests:
Nicholas Stein,Investigative Journalist, has covered Chiquita for Fortune Magazine and the Columbian Journalism Review.
Adam Isaacson, Director of the Colombia program at the
Center for International Policy.
Ignacio Gomez, renowned Colombian journalist. Director of investigations for the Colombian public affairs television show "Noticias Uno." Speaking to us from Bogota.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Estados Unidos blanco de críticas en Consejo Derechos Humanos

Venezuela rechaza declaraciones del canciller colombiano desde Washington

Ante la Fiscalía y la Contraloría
Ministro Jaua solicitó averiguación administrativa de su gestión en el MINEP

Educadores proponen eliminar artículo que genera privatización educativa en Venezuela

Secretario general de la ONU y primer ministro iraquí salen ilesos tras explosión de mortero

Canciller colombiano se retractó de declaración sobre las Farc y el presidente Chávez

"Enterramos en caracas el fantasma del Carbón"
Por orden presidencial, Ministra del ambiente declara prohibición de nuevas minas de carbón en el Zulia

Reconversión no alterará valor de los sueldos o ingresos

otras noticias



En Puerto Rico, este miércoles marca el 70 aniversario de la Masacre de Ponce. En Marzo 21 de 1937, 19 personas fueron muertas y más cien heridas cuando la policía abrió fuego a una demostración que llamaban por la independencia de los Estados Unidos. Ese día es considerado como un evento importante en la historia de Puerto Rico en su lucha contra la dominación yanqui.

Thursday, March 22nd, 2007Remembering Puerto Rico's Ponce MassacreListen to
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In Puerto Rico, Wednesday marked the 70th anniversary of the Ponce massacre. On March 21st, 1937, 19 people were killed and more than one hundred wounded when police opened fire on a demonstration calling for independence from the United States. The day is considered a defining event in Puerto Rico's history of struggle against US domination.
Juan-Manuel Garcia-Passalacqua, Puerto Rican political analyst and radio host. He joins us on the line from Puerto Rico.
To purchase an audio or video copy of this entire program,
click here for our new online ordering or call 1 (888) 999-3877.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Parte II – Blackwater: "La Subida del Mas Poderoso Ejercito Mercenario del Mundo."
Entramos a la segunda parte de nuestra conversación con el periodista investigador Jeremy Scahill, autor del nuevo libro “Blackwater: La Subida del Mas Poderosos Ejercito Mercenario del Mundo.” Scahill nos dice que Blackwater tiene importante rol en el Mar Caspio en el Asia Central y la batalla que en el Congreso sobre a quien dan cuenta estos contratistas privados.

Wednesday, March 21st, 2007Part II - Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary ArmyListen to
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We turn to the second part of our discussion with investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill, author of the new book "Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army." Scahill discusses Blackwater's role in the Caspian Sea region in Central Asia and the battle in Congress over accountability for private contractors.
We turn to the second part of our discussion with investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill
[Click for Part I]. He is the author of the new book "Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army." On yesterday's broadcast, we talked about how new lawsuits and congressional efforts are challenging Blackwater's role as the Bush administration's leading private security force, from Iraq to Afghanistan to New Orleans.
Jeremy Scahill, Democracy Now! correspondent and a Puffin Foundation Writing Fellow at The Nation Institute. He is the author of the new book, "Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army." More information at
To purchase an audio or video copy of this entire program, click here for our new online ordering or call 1 (888) 999-3877.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Jeremy Scahill periodista investigador se nos une para hablar de su nuevo libro, “Blacwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army.” (“Blackwater: La Subida del Mas Poderoso Ejercito Mercenario del Mundo”) Scahill escribe, “Blackwater es la Guardia Pretoriana creada para ‘guerra global sobre terrorismo,’ con su propia base militar, y una flota 20 aviones, y 20,000 contratistas privados listos. Dirigidos por un multimillonario Cristiano conservador que apoyo financieramente al Presidente Bush y sus aliados, sus fuerzas son capaces de derrocar gobiernos”. Desde Irak a New Orleáns, Blacwater continúa obteniendo multimillonarios contratos del gobierno, la mayoría sin dar cuenta a nadie y en secreto.

Tuesday, March 20th, 2007Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary ArmyListen to
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Investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill joins us to talk about his new book, "Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army." Scahill writes, "Blackwater is the elite Praetorian Guard for the 'global war on terror,' with its own military base, a fleet of twenty aircraft, and 20,000 private contractors at the ready. Run by a multimillionaire Christian conservative who bankrolls President Bush and his allies, its forces are capable of overthrowing governments." From Iraq to New Orleans, Blackwater has continued to pull in multi-million-dollar government contracts, mostly without accountability and in near-secrecy. [includes rush transcript]
Four years ago today, the US invasion of Iraq was in its opening hours. Hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries later, another date marked later this month has taken on nearly as much significance. March 31st, 2004. Four employees of the private U.S. security firm Blackwater USA are ambushed as they drive through the center of Fallujah. In images broadcast around the world, their burnt corpses are dragged through the streets. Two of them are strung up from a bridge. This is an excerpt of the PBS documentary, "Private Warriors", going back to that day.
"Private Warriors" - excerpt of PBS documentary.
The U.S. military followed with the first of two major attacks that ended up virtually destroying Fallujah -- and setting off a new wave of Iraqi resistance that continues to this day. Meanwhile, instead of curbing the reliance on contractors in Iraq, the Bush administration has expanded the privatization of war. Blackwater has been one of the biggest recipients. From Iraq to New Orleans, it has continued to pull in multi-million-dollar government contracts, mostly without accountability and in near-secrecy.
Today, an in-depth look at Blackwater with investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill. He"s just come out with his first book: "Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army." Jeremy is a Democracy Now! correspondent and a Puffin Foundation Writing Fellow at The Nation Institute. He joins us in the firehouse studio.
Jeremy Scahill, Democracy Now! correspondent and a Puffin Foundation Writing Fellow at The Nation Institute. He is the author of the new book, "Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army." More information at

Monday, March 19, 2007



Los Estados Unidos esta entrando al quinto aniversario de la ocupación de Irak. Para marcar el cuarto aniversario de la invasión estadounidense, cientos de miles de gente a través de las ciudades de los Estados Unidos y el mundo tomaron las calles en los últimos días como protesta. La más grande demostración en los Estados Unidos se realizo en Washington DC el sábado donde cientos de miles desafiaron las congelantes temperaturas en su marcha hacia el Pentágono.

Monday, March 19th, 2007Mass Protests Mark Fourth Anniversary of Iraq WarListen to Segment Download Show mp3 Watch 128k stream Watch 256k stream Read Transcript Help Printer-friendly version Email to a friend Purchase Video/CD
The United States is entering the fifth year of its occupation of Iraq. To mark the fourth anniversary of the U.S. invasion, tens of thousands of people in cities across the US and the world have taken to the streets in the past few days to protest. The largest US demonstration took place in Washington DC on Saturday where thousands braved below freezing weather to march on the Pentagon. [includes rush transcript]
The United States is entering the fifth year of its occupation of Iraq. On March 19th 2003, the US began dropping bombs on Iraq as thousands of US forces poured across the country's borders. Four years later the occupation continues. In that time, over 3,200 American soldiers have died, many thousands more have been wounded. As many as 650,000 Iraqis have been killed with the number of wounded unknown. Meanwhile Iraq is suffering the worst refugee crisis in the world today. According to the United Nations, some two million Iraqis have fled the country - many of them to neighboring Jordan and Syria. Forty thousand more leave each month. Another 1.9 million are estimated to be internally displaced, driven from their homes by violence and ethnic cleansing.
To mark the fourth anniversary of the US invasion, tens of thousands of people in cities across the US and the world have taken to the streets in the past few days to protest the war.
The largest US demonstration took place in Washington DC on Saturday where thousands braved below freezing weather to march on the Pentagon. Due to bad weather, a number of busses turned back. The rally was organized by A.N.S.W.E.R.--an acronym for "act now to stop war and end racism." Former Congressmember Cynthia McKinney was one of the first speakers. She represented her Georgia district for more than ten years. She was the first African American woman to represent Georgia in the House until she was beaten in last year's Democratic primary. Her target at the antiwar rally was the party she used to represent.
Cynthia McKinney, former Democratic Congressmember from Georgia.
Other speakers including soldiers, military families and more addressed the rally.
Michael Berg, son beheaded in Iraq.
Jonathan Hutto, co-founder of the Appeal for Redress.
Ramsey Clark, former Attorney General of the United States.
Protests to mark the fourth anniversary of the Iraq invasion are continuing today across the country. In New York peace activists are taking part in mass civil disobedience on Wall Street. We get a report from the protest.
Frida Berrigan, Senior Research Associate with the Arms Trade Resource Center of the World Policy Institute. She joins us on the phone from the protest.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Un día antes de anunciar su candidatura, el legislador por Ohio Dennis Kucinich dio una conferencia corta en el Congreso sobre un tema poco discutido en Capitol – el número de civiles muertos en Irak. Kucinich invito a los autores de un reciente estudio que encuentra que cerca de 650,000 civiles iraquíes han muerto en Irak desde que la invasión comenzó y también tenemos la versión del analista Juan Cole.

Tienen una más grande que la del Campo de Marte.

El genocida gobierno de los Estados Unidos y sus apologistas llaman a los patriotas iraquíes que defiende su patria terroristas. Irak ha sido destruido y sus habitantes muertos, por el solo hecho de tener en sus entrañas el preciado recurso natural del petróleo, que las compañías petroleras estadounidenses y británicas quieren saquear.

Hasta la fecha las fuerzas invasoras han matado mas de medio millón de habitantes iraquíes y el numero de las victimas siguen subiendo, al no querer el agresor retirarse.

¿Quiénes serian los perdedores si los agresores se retiraran?

Los perdedores serian George W. Bush y su pandilla. Si se retiran se abrirían las puertas del juicio político de Bush y amigotes, de esta forma se haría justicia.

¿Quiénes serian los vencedores?

Los vencedores serian el pueblo iraquí y el pueblo estadounidense, ya que el uno encontraría justicia y el otro habría terminado una noche de pesadilla.

Friday, December 15th, 2006Authors of Lancet Study, Middle East Analyst Juan Cole Testify at Kucinich Hearing on Civilian Casualties in IraqListen to Segment Download Show mp3 Watch 128k stream Watch 256k stream Read Transcript Help Printer-friendly version Email to a friend Purchase Video/CD
One day before announcing his presidential bid, Ohio lawmaker Dennis Kucinich held a Congressional briefing on a topic seldom publicly discussed on Capitol Hill - the Iraqi civilian death toll. Kucinich invited the authors of the recent study that found about 650,000 Iraqi civilians have died in Iraq since the war began as well as Middle East analyst Juan Cole. We play excerpts. [includes rush transcript]
Ohio Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich announced earlier this week he is again running for president. Kucinich accused the leadership of the Democratic Party of not pushing hard enough to end the Iraq war.
One day before announcing his presidential bid, Kucinich held a Congressional briefing on a topic seldom publicly discussed on Capitol Hill - the Iraqi civilian death toll.
Kucinich invited the authors of the recent study that found about 650,000 Iraqi civilians have died in Iraq since the war began. The study was published in October in the prestigious British medical journal Lancet. The Middle East scholar and University of Michigan professor Juan Cole was also invited to speak. We play excerpts of the hearing.
Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D - OH), 2008 presidential candidate.
Les Roberts, author of Lancet study on Iraq civilian casualties.
Juan Cole Professor of History at the University of Michigan. He runs an analytical website called
"Informed Comment" where he provides a daily round-up of news and events in Iraq and elsewhere in the Arab world.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Última parada del Jefe de Estado(VIDEOS) Haití recibió a Chávez con cantos de júbilo y libertad
Reprimen brutalmente marcha contra Bush en Guatemala
Willian Lara denunció campaña de los medios locales para desestimar éxito de gira de Chávez
(VIDEO) Nicaragua: el presidente Chávez participa en concentración en la ciudad de León
La impunidad de fiesta y los derechos maltrechos¡Corto circuito! TSJ da por “terminado procedimiento” contra televisoras y multa a organizaciones que solicitaron Amparo
(VIDEO) Pesadillas Disociadas III: Tecnología Castrocomunista
20 de marzoOrganizaciones indígenas y sociales convocan a marcha contra explotación del carbón en Perijá
Medios Comunitarios de varias regiones del país renuncian a la ANMCLA



El Presidente Bush viajo a Guatemala el lunes y dijo que el comercio libre puede esparcir oportunidad, proveer trabajos, y ayudar a la gente salir de la pobreza. Pero de acuerdo a un nuevo reporte, dice que hay una planta procesadora de alimentos a menos de 10 millas donde estaba hablando Bush que emplea niños de 13 años en deplorables condiciones. Hablamos con un veterano activista en contra de las factorías del sudor Charles Kemaghan del Nacional Labor Committee acerca del referido reportaje.

Tuesday, March 13th, 2007Harvest of Shame: Report Accuses Child Labor Abuses in GuatemalaListen to
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President Bush traveled to Guatemala on Monday and said free trade can spread opportunity, provide jobs, and help lift people out of poverty. But according to a new report, there is a food processing plant less than 10 miles from where Bush spoke where children as young as 13 years old are working under deplorable conditions. We speak with veteran anti-sweatshop activist Charles Kernaghan of the National Labor Committee about the report. [includes rush transcript]
For the past week on his trip through Latin America President Bush has been praising U.S. efforts to end poverty in the hemisphere and promoting the benefits of so-called free trade agreements with Washington.
President Bush, speaking in Washington DC.
On Monday, President Bush traveled to Guatemala and said free trade can spread opportunity, provide jobs, and help lift people out of poverty.
But there is a darker side about U.S.-Guatemalan trade relations: less than 10 miles from where Bush spoke there is a food processing plant where children as young as 13 years old are working under deplorable conditions.
According to the New York-based National Labor Committee, the children, working at a factory owned by Legumex, harvest and process vegetables and fruits exported to the United States.
The National Labor Committee has just published a
report on the conditions at the Legumex factory. It is titled "Harvest of Shame."
Charles Kernaghan joins me now. He is a veteran anti-sweatshop activist and the executive director of the National Labor Committee.
Charles Kernaghan, director of the
National Labor Committee.
The vast majority of the exports at the Legumex factory in Guatemala are sold to Superior Foods, based in Watsonville California. We invited a representative of Superior Foods to join us on the program but the company declined.
In an emailed statement, Marco Cruz of Superior Foods, wrote:
"We are committed to ensuring that all product purchased, sold or distributed by our company is produced with ethical labor practices and in strict compliance with local labor law. At every facility we work with in the U.S. and abroad, we conduct periodic audits and inspections to validate critical issues as food safety, food security, product quality and working conditions. We are surprised and concerned about the labor violations alleged in the NLC report and will immediately investigate these serious allegations in that particular facility.
"We outspokenly do not support producers who cannot clearly demonstrate that they abide by local labor laws, and we will discontinue working with this processor if abuses are evident and not entirely and satisfactorily resolved. Meanwhile, we will exert our influence to see that these allegations are addressed openly and soon, and that remedial action is taken if and wherever necessary.
"Our hope would be that fruit and vegetable production in Guatemala is ultimately sustainable and that it can and will help create the best possible opportunity for the workers and growers in that area. We'd much rather be an agent for constructive change and improvement than simply be one of a number of buyers who can even more easily simply discontinue business in this region. As a matter of policy, we continually pressure all of our suppliers to encourage progressive labor practices that advance productivity, better pay and better working conditions."

Monday, March 12, 2007


noticias principales
Acuerdan la creación de OPEGASUR
Venezuela y Bolivia firman tratado para alcanzar la Soberanía Gasífera de Suramérica
(VIDEO) Nicaragua: el presidente Chávez participa en concentración en la ciudad de León
José Vicente Rangel: “viaje de Bush a América Latina es una payasada”
Chávez y Ortega firman adhesión de Nicaragua a TeleSUR y construcción de refinadora petrolera
Bush llega a Guatemala en medio de fuertes medidas seguridad y protestas de los indígenas
FARC: Bush paga a Uribe su servilismo
Este lunes René Preval recibirá al Presidente Chávez en Haití
otras noticias



Muchos incautos en Latinoamérica, creen que el gobierno de los Estados Unidos ayuda a los países en desarrollo. Esto, es una gran mentira, que los medios informativos controlados por las corporaciones se han encargado en diseminar por el mundo.

GOBIERNO ESTADOUNIDENSE ES EL MÁS TACAÑO DE LOS PAISES INDUSTRIALIZADOS.No hace mucho en una entrevista al ex presidente de los Estados Unidos Jimmy Carter, el dijo que el gobierno que el presidio, es uno de los mas tacaños que existe entre los países avanzados, y que era un error seguir insistiendo en lo contrario.


Al momento que el Presidente Bush hace su gira por Latino America, el Presidente Venezolano Hugo Chavez hablaba ante miles antiimperialistas en un mitin en la Argentina el pasado Viernes. Trasmitimos algunos trozos del discurso incisivo contra Bush quien esta en Uruguay, a solo 30 millas cruzando el Rio de la Plata.
Monday, March 12th, 2007Hugo Chavez to George W. Bush: Gringo Go HomeListen to
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As President Bush tours Latin America, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez spoke before tens of thousands at an anti-imperialist rally in Argentina of Friday. We broadcast excerpts of Chavez's stinging attack on Bush who was in Uruguay, just thirty miles away across the River Plate. [includes rush transcript]
President Bush has arrived in Guatemala for the second-to-last stop of his five-nation tour of Latin America. He is meeting with Guatemalan President Oscar Berger for talks expected to be dominated by immigration and free trade issues.
Bush's visit to the region has been marked by mass protests and marches. In Brazil on Thursday, thirty thousand people took to the streets. The next day in Uruguay, some six thousand marched in the capital of Montevideo. In Bogota, police made one hundred twenty arrests when five thousand protesters marched just one mile from where Bush held talks with Colombian president Alvaro Uribe. Bush will travel to Mexico later today for the last leg of his tour.
While many analysts agree the president's trip is part of an effort to gain back influence in the region, the White House has sought to portray the tour as part of a humanitarian effort to address issues of poverty. Last week in Washington, President Bush spoke before the US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
President Bush
President Bush speaking in Washington last week. In addition to the mass protests to his presence in the region, Bush has been dogged by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez who is on a counter-tour of Latin America at the same time. In fact, Chavez has practically shadowed Bush since the beginning of his trip. When Bush was in Uruguay Friday, Chavez held a massive rally in neighboring Argentina. When Bush flew to Colombia, Chavez addressed thousands in Bolivia. While Bush is in Guatemala, Chavez is again close by in neighboring Nicaragua.
During a mass rally in Buenos Aires on Friday, the Venezuelan president launched a stinging attack on Bush who was in Uruguay, just thirty miles away across the River Plate.
Hugo Chavez

Friday, March 09, 2007


Tacoma Peace Activists Stage Blockade of Stryker Vehicles Headed for Iraq
Peace activists in Tacoma, Washington have launched a campaign to prevent the military from shipping 300 Stryker armored vehicles to Iraq. The protests are expected to intensify this weekend as activists are planning to engage in acts of civil disobedience to prevent the Stryker vehicles from leaving the port.


Council on Hemispheric Affairs’ Larry Birns on Bush’s Trip to Latin America: “A Matter of Low Expectations and Utter Despair”
To talk more about President Bush’s visit to Latin America, Council on Hemispheric Affairs director Larry Birns joins us in Washington. COHA calls the trip “a matter of low expectations and utter despair." [includes rush transcript]


Protests Sweep Latin America as Bush Begins Five-Nation Tour
Protests have broken out across Latin America as President Bush begins a five-nation tour. In Brazil, over 30,000 people took to the streets of Sao Paulo Thursday with more underway in Uruguay, Colombia, Guatemala and Mexico. We go to Uruguay for a report. [includes rush transcript]

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Libby condenado en juicio por perjurio y obstrucción de la justicia
Lewis “Scooter” Libby, el funcionario de la Casa Blanca de más alto rango en ser condenado desde el escándalo Irán-Contras, fue declarado culpable de mentir y de obstruir una investigación sobre la revelación de que Valerie Plame era una agente encubierta de la CIA. En el décimo día de deliberaciones, el jurado declaró culpable al ex Jefe de Personal del Vicepresidente Dick Cheney de dos cargos de perjurio, un cargo de prestar falsas declaraciones y un cargo de obstrucción de la justicia. Libby podría ser condenado a hasta 25 años de prisión. Su abogado, Theodore Wells, prometió que pedirá un nuevo juicio.
Theodore Wells dijo: “Creemos, como dijimos cuando fue acusado, que es totalmente inocente, totalmente inocente y que no hizo nada malo, y pensamos seguir luchando para establecer su inocencia”.
El Fiscal Especial Patrick Fitzgerald supervisó el caso de Libby. Fitzgerald habló tras el veredicto.
Patrick Fitzgerald dijo: “El jurado obviamente estaba convencido más allá de toda duda razonable de que el acusado había mentido y obstruido la justicia con relación a un asunto importante. Los resultados son realmente tristes. Es triste que hayamos tenido a un alto funcionario, una persona que trabajaba en la oficina del Vicepresidente, que obstruyó la justicia y mintió bajo juramento. Desearíamos que no hubiese sucedido, pero sucedió”.
Fitzgerald también dijo que no presentará nuevos cargos contra otros funcionarios de la Casa Blanca. Mientras tanto, el Líder de la Mayoría del Senado, Harry Reid, exhortó al Presidente Bush a que prometa que no indultará a Libby. Se le preguntó a la portavoz de la Casa Blanca Dana Perino sobre la posibilidad de que esto suceda.
La portavoz de la Casa Blanca Dana Perino dijo: “Bien, no tengo conocimiento de tal pedido de indulto y al igual que para todos los ciudadanos estadounidenses, hay un proceso a seguir para solicitar el indulto y no creo que sea apropiado especular sobre una situación hipotética en este momento”.
Miembro del jurado: Libby fue el “chivo expiatorio” del gobierno de BushAl menos un miembro del jurado dijo que el caso debería haber ido más allá de Libby. Denis Collins habló con la prensa y dijo: “Varias veces se dijo: ‘¿Qué estamos haciendo con este hombre aquí? ¿Dónde está [Karl] Rove...?’ No estamos diciendo que no creíamos que el señor Libby fuera culpable de las cosas de las que lo declaramos culpable, pero parecía que... era el chivo expiatorio”.

Ex-Cheney Chief of Staff Lewis “Scooter” Libby Convicted of Perjury, Obstruction in CIA Leak TrialVice President Cheney’s former chief of staff Lewis “Scooter” Libby is facing up to 25 years in prison following his conviction on Tuesday in the CIA leak case. Jurors found Libby guilty of four felony counts of making false statements to the FBI, lying to a grand jury and obstructing a probe into the leak of Valerie Plame’s identity. Libby is the highest-ranking White House official to be convicted of a felony since the Iran-Contra scandal nearly two decades ago. We get reaction from investigative journalist Murray Waas and blogger and author Marcy Wheeler. [includes rush transcript]

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Morales y Correa invitados al acto que encabezará Chávez en Argentina
Hasta obreros y trabajadores podrán comprar sus papeles Bonos de Pdvsa para todo el mundo
(VIDEO) Gobierno compra acciones y derechos de Total y BP en consorcio Jusepín
Y reunificación sindical democrática y transparenteDirigentes sindicales petroleros de base exigen en Ministerio del Trabajo discusión del contrato colectivo
Azufre contra el diablo Bush preparan en Brasil
(VIDEO resumen Aló Presidente) Dirigentes escépticos deben explicar al pueblo razones para no adherirse al PSUV
Confirman visita solidaria de Chávez a zona de desastre natural en Bolivia
Consejos Comunales de La Vega invitan a gran asamblea del poder popular


Opositor a la guerra Agustín Aguayo afronta consejo de guerra
Agustín Aguayo, el médico del Ejército que se opone a la guerra, compareció hoy ante un consejo de guerra en una base estadounidense en Alemania por negarse a desplegarse por segunda vez en Irak. Afronta hasta siete años en prisión.

Tuesday, September 26th, 2006
Exclusive: AWOL Iraq Veteran Turns Himself In Instead of Returning to Iraq; Faces Five Years in Prison

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Army medic Agustin Aguayo and his wife, Helga, speak to Democracy Now. Later today Agustin plans to turn himself in to the military weeks after he went AWOL at his base in Germany. He faces five yeas in prison. [includes rush transcript]

Today, a Democracy Now exclusive. Army medic Agustin Aguayo. He applied for Conscientious Objector status and was denied. He was deployed to Iraq for a year, he refused to load his gun no matter how dangerous the situation. Earlier this month, Aguayo went AWOL at his base in Germany after the military ordered him to return for a second deployment. Today - Agustin Aguayo will turn himself in to the military. His lawyer says he could face up to five years in prison.

Agustin Aguayo and his wife Helga joined us yesterday at a studio in Los Angeles for an extended conversation. I began by asking Agustin to talk about his decision to join the military.

  • Agustin Aguayo, AWOL Army medic who served in Iraq

  • Helga Aguayo, wife of Agustin Aguayo

Monday, March 05, 2007


Resumen Hora Completa DN, 5 de marzo de 2007
Robert Fisk habla sobre Osama Bin Laden a los 50 años, los escuadrones de la muerte iraquíes y por qué Medio Oriente es más peligroso ahora que durante sus 30 años anteriores como corresponsal de guerra
Robert Fisk es un veterano corresponsal de guerra y uno de los periodistas del mundo con más experiencia en lo que se refiere a Medio Oriente. Fisk ha informado desde todo el mundo árabe durante los últimos treinta años. Su último libro es "La gran guerra por la civilización: la conquista de Oriente Medio" (The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East). Nos acompaña hoy en nuestro estudio.

Robert Fisk on Osama bin Laden at 50, Iraqi Death Squads and Why the Middle East is More Dangerous Now Than in Past 30 YearsRobert Fisk is a veteran war correspondent and one of the world's most experienced journalists covering the Middle East. He has reported from across the Arab world for the past thirty years. His latest book is "The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East." He joins us in our Firehouse studio. [includes rush transcript]


John Negroponte, "un asesino profesional" y se activaron unidades de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia (CIA)(VIDEO completo) Chávez revela planes magnicidas de socios de Posada Carriles
Fuertes medidas de seguridad y masivas protestas aguardan por visita de George W. Bush
Encuesta reveló que América Latina tiene una imagen negativa de EEUU
Denuncian muerte de 15 líderes sociales a manos de paramilitares en Colombia
Gobierno compra acciones y derechos de Total y BP en consorcio Jusepín
Las victimas del 11 de abril lo acusan, entre otras cosas, de no imputar a Marcel Granier por esconder un chip póstumo de Jorge Tortoza que es clave para esclarecer los hechos Los Papeles de Mandinga (Eduardo Cornejo): a Isaías le falta valor
Jerónimo Carrera cree que no se debe apresurar la discusión Comunistas se niegan a cerrar su tienda
(VIDEO) Megamercales de este sábado vendieron 500 toneladas de carne y pollo



Tomen papel y lápiz para que anoten los nombres de aquellos legisladores norteamericanos que se oponen al levantamiento de las sanciones dictadas por el Presidente Bush que restringen los viajes humanitarios a Cuba.

En la Cámara Alta son 7 los senadores, dos Demócratas y cinco Republicanos y sus nombres son : Mel Martínez , Republicano, Bill Nelson Demócrata, ambos del Estado de La Florida. Bob Menéndez Demócrata por New Jersey, Joseph Lieberman, Demócrata por Connecticutt, Jim Burning, Republicano de Kentucky, John Ensign , Republicano de Nevada y David Vitter, Repùblicano por Lusiana.

En la Cámara de Representantes, además de los floridanos Ileana Ross y los hermanos Díaz Balart apoyan las medidas contra los viajes a la isla los congresistas también de La Florida, con el agravante que son Demócratas, la señora Debbie Wasserman Schultz, judía que se le tiene por muy liberal así como el congresista negro de Miami Kenndrick Meek.

El resto de la lista la integran los siguientes congresistas : Christopher Smith, Republicano de New Jersey, Dan Burton, Republicano por Indiana, Albio Sires, cubano Demócrata de New Jersey, Eliot Engel, Demócrata por New York, Frank Pallone,Demócrata de New Jersey, Robert Andrews, Demócrata de New Jersey, Allen Boyd, Demócrata de La Florida, Mike Pence, Republicano de Indiana, Tom Feeney, Republicano de La Florida, Steve King, Republicano de Iowa,Connie Mack, Republicano de Florida, Patrick McHenry, Republicano de Carolina del Norte y Luis Fortuo Republicano de Puerto Rico.

Anota Flora, para que Ud. sepa quienes son los legisladores en el Capitolio de Washington que se oponen a que los cubanos de Estados Unidos puedan hacer viajes humanitarios a la isla para reunirse con sus seres queridos.

Gente mala y del comercio.